Sportsman's Warehouse (SPWH) Revenue & Revenue Breakdown
Sportsman's Warehouse Revenue Highlights
Latest Revenue (Y)
Latest Revenue (Q)
Sportsman's Warehouse Revenue by Period
Sportsman's Warehouse Revenue by Year
Date | Revenue | Change |
2024-02-03 | $1.29B | -7.97% |
2023-01-28 | $1.40B | -7.08% |
2022-01-29 | $1.51B | 3.74% |
2021-01-30 | $1.45B | 63.78% |
2020-02-01 | $886.40M | 4.39% |
2019-02-02 | $849.13M | 4.87% |
2018-02-03 | $809.67M | 3.81% |
2017-01-28 | $779.96M | 6.86% |
2016-01-30 | $729.91M | 10.59% |
2015-01-31 | $660.00M | 2.62% |
2014-01-31 | $643.16M | 22.06% |
2013-01-31 | $526.94M | 39.94% |
2012-01-31 | $376.55M | - |
Sportsman's Warehouse Revenue by Quarter
Date | Revenue | Change |
2024-08-03 | $288.73M | 18.22% |
2024-05-04 | $244.24M | -34.06% |
2024-02-03 | $370.39M | 8.76% |
2023-10-28 | $340.57M | 10.04% |
2023-07-29 | $309.50M | 15.69% |
2023-04-29 | $267.53M | -29.46% |
2023-01-28 | $379.27M | 5.43% |
2022-10-29 | $359.72M | 2.48% |
2022-07-30 | $351.02M | 13.41% |
2022-04-30 | $309.50M | -25.65% |
2022-01-29 | $416.29M | 3.81% |
2021-10-30 | $401.01M | 10.85% |
2021-07-31 | $361.78M | 10.64% |
2021-05-01 | $326.99M | -25.38% |
2021-01-30 | $438.19M | 13.60% |
2020-10-31 | $385.75M | 1.25% |
2020-08-01 | $380.99M | 54.35% |
2020-05-02 | $246.84M | -4.38% |
2020-02-01 | $258.15M | 6.47% |
2019-11-02 | $242.47M | 14.50% |
2019-08-03 | $211.77M | 21.69% |
2019-05-04 | $174.02M | -28.29% |
2019-02-02 | $242.68M | 8.78% |
2018-11-03 | $223.10M | 9.75% |
2018-08-04 | $203.29M | 12.90% |
2018-05-05 | $180.06M | -25.95% |
2018-02-03 | $243.16M | 11.48% |
2017-10-28 | $218.12M | 13.90% |
2017-07-29 | $191.49M | 22.05% |
2017-04-29 | $156.90M | -29.13% |
2017-01-28 | $221.38M | 1.94% |
2016-10-29 | $217.16M | 14.41% |
2016-07-30 | $189.80M | 25.19% |
2016-04-30 | $151.62M | -18.30% |
2015-01-31 | $185.58M | 1.67% |
2014-11-01 | $182.53M | 14.46% |
2014-08-02 | $159.47M | 20.42% |
2014-04-30 | $132.43M | -24.64% |
2014-01-31 | $175.73M | 0.38% |
2013-10-31 | $175.06M | 12.32% |
2013-07-31 | $155.86M | 14.16% |
2013-04-30 | $136.52M | -27.77% |
2013-01-31 | $189.01M | 45.55% |
2012-10-31 | $129.86M | - |
Sportsman's Warehouse Peer Comparison by Revenue
Ticker | Company | Last Year Revenue | Last Quarter Revenue |
ODP | ODP | $7.83B | $1.72B |
SBH | Sally Beauty | $3.73B | $942.34M |
HZO | MarineMax | $2.39B | $757.72M |
EYE | National Vision | $2.13B | $542.52M |
FLWS | 1-800-FLOWERS | $1.83B | $242.09M |
LESL | Leslie's | $1.45B | $188.66M |
SPWH | Sportsman's Warehouse | $1.29B | $288.73M |
BGFV | Big 5 Sporting Goods | $884.75M | $220.60M |
TCS | Container Store Group | $847.78M | $196.57M |
BBW | Build-A-Bear Workshop | $486.11M | $111.80M |
SPWH Revenue FAQ
What is Sportsman's Warehouse’s yearly revenue?
Sportsman's Warehouse's yearly revenue for 2023 was $1.29B, representing a decrease of -7.97% compared to 2022. The company's yearly revenue for 2022 was $1.4B, representing a decrease of -7.08% compared to 2021. SPWH's yearly revenue for 2021 was $1.51B, representing an increase of 3.74% compared to 2020.
What is Sportsman's Warehouse’s quarterly revenue?
Sportsman's Warehouse's quarterly revenue for Q2 2024 was $288.73M, a 18.22% increase from the previous quarter (Q1 2024), and a -6.71% decrease year-over-year (Q2 2023). The company's quarterly revenue for Q1 2024 was $244.24M, a -34.06% decrease from the previous quarter (Q4 2023), and a -8.71% decrease year-over-year (Q1 2023). SPWH's quarterly revenue for Q4 2023 was $370.39M, a 8.76% increase from the previous quarter (Q3 2023), and a -2.34% decrease year-over-year (Q4 2022).
What is Sportsman's Warehouse’s revenue growth rate?
Sportsman's Warehouse's revenue growth rate for the last 3 years (2021-2023) was -14.48%, and for the last 5 years (2019-2023) was 45.31%.