Ucommune (UK) Revenue & Revenue Breakdown
Ucommune Revenue Highlights
Latest Revenue (Y)
Latest Revenue (Q)
Ucommune Revenue by Period
Ucommune Revenue by Year
Date | Revenue | Change |
2023-12-31 | $459.82M | -30.41% |
2022-12-31 | $660.74M | -37.52% |
2021-12-31 | $1.06B | 20.56% |
2020-12-31 | $877.14M | -24.86% |
2019-12-31 | $1.17B | 160.28% |
2018-12-31 | $448.51M | - |
Ucommune Revenue by Quarter
Date | Revenue | Change |
2023-12-31 | $94.86M | - |
2023-11-29 | $94.86M | -29.76% |
2023-06-30 | $135.05M | - |
2023-03-31 | $135.05M | -25.68% |
2022-12-31 | $181.71M | - |
2022-09-30 | $181.71M | 22.23% |
2022-06-30 | $148.66M | - |
2022-03-31 | $148.66M | -50.93% |
2021-12-31 | $302.98M | 19.52% |
2021-09-30 | $253.49M | -2.75% |
2021-06-30 | $260.65M | 8.43% |
2021-03-31 | $240.38M | -13.74% |
2020-12-31 | $278.66M | 39.39% |
2020-09-30 | $199.91M | 3.03% |
2020-06-30 | $194.03M | -5.14% |
2020-03-31 | $204.54M | -30.14% |
2019-12-31 | $292.79M | -24.55% |
2019-09-30 | $388.07M | 59.54% |
2019-06-30 | $243.25M | - |
2019-03-31 | $243.25M | 46.24% |
2018-12-31 | $166.34M | 22.61% |
2018-09-30 | $135.66M | 85.20% |
2018-06-30 | $73.25M | - |
2018-03-31 | $73.25M | - |
Ucommune Peer Comparison by Revenue
Ticker | Company | Last Year Revenue | Last Quarter Revenue |
BEKE | KE | $77.78B | $11.23B |
FSV | FirstService | $4.41B | $1.15B |
MMI | Marcus & Millichap | $645.93M | $129.10M |
LEJU | Leju | $534.12M | $158.53M |
UK | Ucommune | $459.82M | $94.86M |
DUO | Fangdd Network Group | $284.96M | $65.73M |
MAYS | J.W. Mays | $21.59M | $5.36M |
MLP | Maui Land & Pineapple Company | $10.91M | $2.65M |
OMH | Ohmyhome | $5.00M | $1.42M |
MDJH | MDJM | $144.86K | $104.90K |
SFR | Appreciate | $27.90K | $7.60K |
FLJ | XChange TEC.INC | - | - |
UK Revenue FAQ
What is Ucommune’s yearly revenue?
Ucommune's yearly revenue for 2023 was $459.82M, representing a decrease of -30.41% compared to 2022. The company's yearly revenue for 2022 was $660.74M, representing a decrease of -37.52% compared to 2021. UK's yearly revenue for 2021 was $1.06B, representing an increase of 20.56% compared to 2020.
What is Ucommune’s quarterly revenue?
Ucommune's quarterly revenue for Q4 2023 was $94.86M, a 0% increase from the previous quarter (Q3 2023), and a -47.80% decrease year-over-year (Q4 2022). The company's quarterly revenue for Q3 2023 was $94.86M, a -29.76% decrease from the previous quarter (Q2 2023), and a -47.80% decrease year-over-year (Q3 2022). UK's quarterly revenue for Q2 2023 was $135.05M, a 0% increase from the previous quarter (Q1 2023), and a -9.16% decrease year-over-year (Q2 2022).
What is Ucommune’s revenue growth rate?
Ucommune's revenue growth rate for the last 3 years (2021-2023) was -56.52%, and for the last 5 years (2019-2023) was -60.61%.