Duluth (DLTH) Revenue & Revenue Breakdown
Duluth Revenue Highlights
Latest Revenue (Y)
Latest Revenue (Q)
Main Segment (Y)
Business One
Main Geography (Y)
Business One
Duluth Revenue by Period
Duluth Revenue by Year
Date | Revenue | Change |
2024-01-28 | $646.68M | -1.01% |
2023-01-29 | $653.31M | -6.48% |
2022-01-30 | $698.58M | 9.36% |
2021-01-31 | $638.78M | 3.76% |
2020-02-02 | $615.62M | 8.37% |
2019-02-03 | $568.10M | 20.50% |
2018-01-28 | $471.45M | 25.35% |
2017-01-29 | $376.12M | 23.66% |
2016-01-31 | $304.16M | 31.18% |
2015-01-31 | $231.87M | 42.17% |
2014-01-31 | $163.09M | - |
Duluth generated $646.68M in revenue during NA 2024, up -1.01% compared to the previous quarter, and up 113.83% compared to the same period a year ago.
Duluth Revenue by Quarter
Date | Revenue | Change |
2024-10-27 | $127.06M | -10.28% |
2024-07-28 | $141.62M | 21.37% |
2024-04-28 | $116.68M | -52.49% |
2024-01-28 | $245.61M | 77.71% |
2023-10-29 | $138.21M | -0.64% |
2023-07-30 | $139.10M | 12.40% |
2023-04-30 | $123.76M | -48.81% |
2023-01-29 | $241.77M | 64.33% |
2022-10-30 | $147.13M | 3.97% |
2022-07-31 | $141.51M | 15.14% |
2022-05-01 | $122.90M | -54.61% |
2022-01-30 | $270.76M | 86.38% |
2021-10-31 | $145.28M | -2.58% |
2021-08-01 | $149.13M | 11.77% |
2021-05-02 | $133.42M | -47.88% |
2021-01-31 | $255.96M | 88.86% |
2020-11-01 | $135.53M | -1.34% |
2020-08-02 | $137.38M | 24.98% |
2020-05-03 | $109.92M | -57.67% |
2020-02-02 | $259.65M | 116.79% |
2019-11-03 | $119.77M | -1.80% |
2019-08-04 | $121.96M | 6.76% |
2019-05-05 | $114.24M | -54.40% |
2019-02-03 | $250.54M | 134.81% |
2018-10-28 | $106.70M | -3.57% |
2018-07-29 | $110.65M | 10.42% |
2018-04-29 | $100.21M | -53.99% |
2018-01-28 | $217.81M | 160.13% |
2017-10-29 | $83.73M | -2.90% |
2017-07-30 | $86.23M | 3.03% |
2017-04-30 | $83.69M | -52.08% |
2017-01-29 | $174.65M | 160.64% |
2016-10-30 | $67.01M | 1.80% |
2016-07-31 | $65.82M | -4.09% |
2016-05-01 | $68.63M | -51.11% |
2016-01-31 | $140.38M | 153.86% |
2015-10-31 | $55.30M | 7.00% |
2015-07-31 | $51.68M | -9.03% |
2015-04-30 | $56.81M | -48.42% |
2015-01-31 | $110.13M | 158.73% |
2014-10-31 | $42.57M | - |
Duluth generated $127.06M in revenue during Q3 2025, up -10.28% compared to the previous quarter, and up 91.34% compared to the same period a year ago.
Duluth Revenue Breakdown
Duluth Revenue Breakdown by Product
Annual Revenue by Product
Product/Service | Feb 20 | Feb 19 |
Business Three | $33.69M | $31.32M |
Business Two | $162.82M | $141.24M |
Business One | $419.12M | $395.54M |
Duluth's latest annual revenue breakdown by segment (product or service), as of Feb 20: Business One (68.08%), Business Two (26.45%), and Business Three (5.47%).
Quarterly Revenue by Product
Product/Service | Feb 20 | Nov 19 | Aug 19 | May 19 | Feb 19 | Oct 18 | Jul 18 | Apr 18 |
Business Two | $61.14M | $33.76M | $35.74M | $32.17M | $56.00M | $28.46M | $29.63M | $27.16M |
Business Three | $15.32M | $5.96M | $6.13M | $6.27M | $15.15M | $5.45M | $5.59M | $5.13M |
Business One | $183.18M | $80.05M | $80.09M | $75.80M | $179.39M | $72.79M | $75.43M | $67.92M |
Duluth's latest quarterly revenue breakdown by segment (product or service), as of Feb 20: Business One (70.55%), Business Two (23.55%), and Business Three (5.90%).
Duluth Revenue Breakdown by Country
Annual Revenue by Country
Country | Feb 20 | Feb 19 |
Business One | $419.12M | $395.54M |
Business Three | $33.69M | $31.32M |
Business Two | $162.82M | $141.24M |
Duluth's latest annual revenue breakdown by geography, as of Feb 20: Business One (68.08%), Business Two (26.45%), and Business Three (5.47%).
Quarterly Revenue by Country
Country | Feb 20 | Nov 19 | Aug 19 | May 19 | Feb 19 | Oct 18 | Jul 18 | Apr 18 |
Business Two | $61.14M | $33.76M | $35.74M | $32.17M | $56.00M | $28.46M | $29.63M | $27.16M |
Business One | $183.18M | $80.05M | $80.09M | $75.80M | $179.39M | $72.79M | $75.43M | $67.92M |
Business Three | $15.32M | $5.96M | $6.13M | $6.27M | $15.15M | $5.45M | $5.59M | $5.13M |
Duluth's latest quarterly revenue breakdown by geography, as of Feb 20: Business One (70.55%), Business Two (23.55%), and Business Three (5.90%).