Zenvia Ownership | Who Owns Zenvia?


Zenvia Ownership Summary

Zenvia is owned by 2.85% institutional investors, 60.56% insiders, and 36.59% retail investors. Metavasi capital lp is the largest institutional shareholder, holding 2.46% of ZENV shares. Bestinver Latin America R EUR Cap is the top mutual fund, with 0.58% of its assets in Zenvia shares.

ZENV Ownership Benchmark

TypeName% Inst% Insiders% Retail
SectorTechnology Stocks 54.56%11.38%34.06%

Institutional Shareholders

Top Institutional Shareholders by Total Shares

HolderShares% HoldingValue
Metavasi capital lp1.03M2.46%$2.67M
Baader bank aktiengesellschaft136.10K0.28%$317.12K
Robeco institutional asset management b.v.14.78K0.03%$34.44K
Allworth financial lp10.00K0.02%$24.00K
Fny investment advisers10.00K0.02%$23.00K
Morgan stanley1.01K0.00%$2.63K
Tower research capital llc (trc)100.000.00%$259.00
Qube research---
Citadel advisors---

Top Institutional Shareholders by % of Total Assets

HolderShares% AssetsValue
Metavasi capital lp1.03M1.40%$2.67M
Baader bank aktiengesellschaft136.10K0.02%$317.12K
Fny investment advisers10.00K0.01%$23.00K
Robeco institutional asset management b.v.14.78K0.00%$34.44K
Allworth financial lp10.00K0.00%$24.00K
American capital advisory---
Corsair capital management---
Citadel advisors---
Morgan stanley1.01K-$2.63K

Top Buyers

HolderShares% AssetsChange
Tower research capital llc (trc)100.00-100.00
Allworth financial lp10.00K0.00%-
Robeco institutional asset management b.v.14.78K0.00%-
Baader bank aktiengesellschaft136.10K0.02%-
Qube research---14.00

Top Sellers

HolderShares% AssetsChange
Corsair capital management---36.16K
Metavasi capital lp1.03M1.40%-21.74K
Citadel advisors---20.14K
Virtu financial---15.34K

New Positions

HolderShares% AssetsChangeValue
Tower research capital llc (trc)100.00-100.00$259.00

Sold Out

Qube research-14.00
American capital advisory-100.00
Virtu financial-15.34K
Citadel advisors-20.14K
Corsair capital management-36.16K

Institutional Ownership Trends

DateHoldingsChange %SharesChange %OwnershipChange %Increased PositionChange %Decreased PositionChange %
Sep 30, 20241220.00%1,397,9664.53%227.94%7600.00%2-66.67%
Jun 30, 202410-9.09%1,337,404-15.55%320.32%1-80.00%650.00%
Mar 31, 202411-15.38%1,583,57232.20%344.09%5-16.67%433.33%
Dec 31, 20231330.00%1,197,903-40.86%211.23%620.00%3200.00%
Sep 30, 20231011.11%2,025,49510.75%526.96%5-16.67%1-

Top Mutual Funds Shareholders

HolderShares% HoldingChange
Bestinver Latin America R EUR Cap300.01K0.58%57.48K
EM Digital Leaders I166.10K0.32%30.00K
Bestinver Latam FI159.54K0.31%130.00
Ayalon Global Stocks34.05K0.07%6.40K
Robeco Next Digital Billion I USD14.78K0.03%-
Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index5.68K0.01%4.01K

ZENV Ownership FAQ

Who owns the most shares of Zenvia?

Zenvia’s largest shareholders are Metavasi capital lp (1.03M shares, 2.46%), Baader bank aktiengesellschaft (136.1K shares, 0.28%), and Renaissance (100K shares, 0.24%). Together, they hold 2.98% of Zenvia’s total shares outstanding.

Does Blackrock own Zenvia?

BlackRock is not among the top 10 institutional shareholders of Zenvia.

Who is Zenvia’s biggest shareholder by percentage of total assets invested?

Metavasi capital lp is Zenvia’s biggest shareholder by percentage of total assets invested, with 1.40% of its assets in 1.03M Zenvia shares, valued at 2.67M$.

Who is the top mutual fund holder of Zenvia shares?

Bestinver Latin America R EUR Cap is the top mutual fund holder of Zenvia shares, with 0.58% of its total shares outstanding invested in 300.01K Zenvia shares.

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