Yunhong Green CTI Ownership | Who Owns Yunhong Green CTI?


Yunhong Green CTI Ownership Summary

Yunhong Green CTI is owned by 0.77% institutional investors, 68.44% insiders, and 30.79% retail investors. Vanguard group is the largest institutional shareholder, holding 0.54% of YHGJ shares.

YHGJ Ownership Benchmark

TypeName% Inst% Insiders% Retail
StockYunhong Green CTI0.77%68.44%30.79%
SectorConsumer Cyclical Stocks 48.54%12.95%38.51%
IndustryPackaging & Containers Stocks 55.56%21.37%23.07%

Institutional Shareholders

Top Institutional Shareholders by Total Shares

HolderShares% HoldingValue
Vanguard group138.79K0.54%$76.75K
Bank of montreal /can/80.00K0.31%$44.24K
Geode capital management59.16K0.23%$32.73K
Two sigma securities21.54K0.08%$11.76K
Tower research capital llc (trc)5.00K0.02%$2.73K
Ubs group4.00K0.02%$2.19K
Jpmorgan chase20.000.00%$11.00
Harbour investments---
Charles schwab investment management---

Top Institutional Shareholders by % of Total Assets

HolderShares% AssetsValue
Two sigma securities21.54K0.00%$11.76K
Tower research capital llc (trc)5.00K0.00%$2.73K
Jpmorgan chase20.00-$11.00
Ubs group4.00K-$2.19K
Bank of montreal /can/80.00K-$44.24K
Geode capital management59.16K-$32.73K
Vanguard group138.79K-$76.75K
Harbour investments---
Charles schwab investment management---

Top Buyers

HolderShares% AssetsChange
Two sigma securities21.54K0.00%21.54K
Ubs group4.00K-2.43K
Vanguard group138.79K--
Bank of montreal /can/80.00K--
Jpmorgan chase20.00--

Top Sellers

HolderShares% AssetsChange
Charles schwab investment management---20.21K
Geode capital management59.16K--402.00
Harbour investments---200.00
Tower research capital llc (trc)5.00K0.00%-84.00

Sold Out

Harbour investments-200.00
Charles schwab investment management-20.21K

Institutional Ownership Trends

DateHoldingsChange %SharesChange %OwnershipChange %Increased PositionChange %Decreased PositionChange %
Dec 31, 20243-72.73%197,971-54.83%-26.64%--100.00%1-66.67%
Sep 30, 202411-15.38%438,292-0.88%137.87%4-50.00%3200.00%
Jun 30, 20241318.18%442,1876.72%253.19%833.33%1-
Mar 31, 20241110.00%414,3450.76%144.97%620.00%--100.00%
Dec 31, 202310-9.09%411,23913.53%264.82%5-54.55%2-

YHGJ Ownership FAQ

Who Owns Yunhong Green CTI?

Yunhong Green CTI shareholders are primarily institutional investors at 0.77%, followed by 68.44% insiders and 30.79% retail investors. The average institutional ownership in Yunhong Green CTI's industry, Packaging & Containers Stocks , is 55.56%, which Yunhong Green CTI falls below.

Who owns the most shares of Yunhong Green CTI?

Yunhong Green CTI’s largest shareholders are Vanguard group (138.79K shares, 0.54%), Renaissance (116.27K shares, 0.45%), and Bank of montreal /can/ (80K shares, 0.31%). Together, they hold 1.30% of Yunhong Green CTI’s total shares outstanding.

Does Blackrock own Yunhong Green CTI?

BlackRock is not among the top 10 institutional shareholders of Yunhong Green CTI.

Who is Yunhong Green CTI’s biggest shareholder by percentage of total assets invested?

Two sigma securities is Yunhong Green CTI’s biggest shareholder by percentage of total assets invested, with 0.00% of its assets in 21.54K Yunhong Green CTI shares, valued at 11.76K$.

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