Teekay Tankers Ownership | Who Owns Teekay Tankers?

Teekay Tankers Ownership Summary

Teekay Tankers is owned by 0.01% institutional investors, 20.26% insiders, and 79.74% retail investors. Blackrock is the largest institutional shareholder, holding 4.41% of TNK shares. FullerThaler Behavioral Small-Cap Equity is the top mutual fund, with 3.43% of its assets in Teekay Tankers shares.

TNK Ownership Benchmark

TypeName% Inst% Insiders% Retail
StockTeekay Tankers0.01%20.26%79.74%
SectorEnergy Stocks 44.73%13.16%42.11%
IndustryOil & Gas Midstream Stocks 34.42%17.90%47.68%

Institutional Shareholders

Top Institutional Shareholders by Total Shares

HolderShares% HoldingValue
Morgan stanley296.95K0.87%$20.43M
Bank of america corp /de/250.34K0.73%$17.23M
Jacobs levy equity management233.93K0.68%$16.10M
Northern trust232.29K0.68%$15.98M
Millennium management145.28K0.42%$10.00M
Citadel advisors81.20K0.24%$5.59M
Raymond james & associates16.09K0.05%$1.11M
Envestnet asset management10.52K0.03%$723.68K
Voya investment management8.11K0.02%$558.26K

Top Institutional Shareholders by % of Total Assets

HolderShares% AssetsValue
Jacobs levy equity management233.93K0.07%$16.10M
Css llc/il1.90K0.01%$130.88K
Millennium management145.28K0.00%$10.00M
Ameritas investment partners2.38K0.00%$94.58K
Northern trust232.29K0.00%$15.98M
Morgan stanley296.95K0.00%$20.43M
Bank of america corp /de/250.34K0.00%$17.23M
Citadel advisors81.20K0.00%$5.59M
Ronald blue trust1.58K0.00%$92.21K

Top Buyers

HolderShares% AssetsChange
Jacobs levy equity management233.93K0.07%31.58K
Envestnet asset management10.52K0.00%1.07K
Price t rowe associates inc /md/7.63K0.00%794.00
Voya investment management8.11K0.00%145.00
Ronald blue trust1.58K0.00%95.00

Top Sellers

HolderShares% AssetsChange
Dimensional fund advisors lp---2.05M
Blackrock funding, inc. /de---1.67M
Fuller & thaler asset management---1.24M
Principal financial group---906.70K

Sold Out

Huntington national bank-1.00
Jfs wealth advisors-2.00
Global retirement partners-3.00
Wr wealth planners-6.00
Cva family office-7.00

Institutional Ownership Trends

DateHoldingsChange %SharesChange %OwnershipChange %Increased PositionChange %Decreased PositionChange %
Dec 31, 20243-98.17%2,505-99.98%-0.00%1-98.86%2-96.23%
Sep 30, 2024163-22.38%16,272,021-12.53%471.61%88-19.27%52-31.58%
Jun 30, 20242091.46%18,603,5750.94%541.87%109-4.39%7517.19%
Mar 31, 2024206-0.96%18,429,5842.62%531.95%1142.70%64-11.11%
Dec 31, 20232088.90%17,958,6285.99%522.13%1117.77%7220.00%

Top Mutual Funds Shareholders

HolderShares% HoldingChange
FullerThaler Behavioral Small-Cap Equity1.18M3.43%-
FullerThaler Behavioral Sm-Cp Eq R61.18M3.43%-
Fidelity Dividend Growth953.72K2.78%-41.00K
Avantis US Small Cap Value ETF768.15K2.24%-
iShares Russell 2000 ETF642.67K1.87%-4.90K
DFA US Small Cap Value I469.74K1.37%-20.43K
iShares Global Infrastructure ETF Comm403.81K1.18%-
Principal SmallCap R5345.70K1.01%-6.90K
Principal U.S. Small Cap Equity342.90K1.00%-2.50K
DFA US Targeted Value I271.35K0.79%-

TNK Ownership FAQ

Who Owns Teekay Tankers?

Teekay Tankers shareholders are primarily institutional investors at 0.01%, followed by 20.26% insiders and 79.73% retail investors. The average institutional ownership in Teekay Tankers's industry, Oil & Gas Midstream Stocks , is 34.42%, which Teekay Tankers falls below.

Who owns the most shares of Teekay Tankers?

Teekay Tankers’s largest shareholders are Blackrock (1.51M shares, 4.41%), Morgan stanley (296.95K shares, 0.87%), and Bank of america corp /de/ (250.34K shares, 0.73%). Together, they hold 6.01% of Teekay Tankers’s total shares outstanding.

Does Blackrock own Teekay Tankers?

Yes, BlackRock owns 4.41% of Teekay Tankers, totaling 1.51M shares as of Jun 2024. This represents 0.00% of BlackRock's total assets, with a market value of 103.94M$. In the last quarter, BlackRock decreased its holdings by -4.28K shares, a -0.28% change.

Who is Teekay Tankers’s biggest shareholder by percentage of total assets invested?

Jacobs levy equity management is Teekay Tankers’s biggest shareholder by percentage of total assets invested, with 0.07% of its assets in 233.93K Teekay Tankers shares, valued at 16.1M$.

Who is the top mutual fund holder of Teekay Tankers shares?

FullerThaler Behavioral Small-Cap Equity is the top mutual fund holder of Teekay Tankers shares, with 3.43% of its total shares outstanding invested in 1.18M Teekay Tankers shares.

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