Stantec (STN) Stock Forecast, Price Target & Predictions

STN Stock Forecast

Stantec (STN) stock forecast, based on 11 Wall Street analysts, predicts a 12-month average price target of $62.07, with a high of $62.07 and a low of $62.07. This represents a -20.57% decline from the last price of $78.14.

$60$66$72$78$84$90High: $62.07Avg: $62.07Low: $62.07Last Closed Price: $78.14

STN Stock Rating

Stantec stock's rating consensus is Hold, based on 11 Wall Street analysts. The breakdown includes 0 Strong Buy (0.00%), 5 Buy (45.45%), 6 Hold (54.55%), 0 Sell (0.00%), and 0 Strong Sell (0.00%).

Total 11 0 6 5 Strong Sell Sell Hold Buy Strong Buy

STN Price Target Upside V Benchmarks

SectorIndustrials Stocks 17.13%

Price Target Trends

# Anlaysts---
Avg Price Target---
Last Closing Price$78.14$78.14$78.14
Ratings Trends

DateStrong BuyBuyHoldSellStrong SellTotal
Feb, 25642--12
Jan, 25642--12
Dec, 24642--12
Nov, 24645--15
Oct, 24665--17
Analyst Price Target Forecasts

DateAnalystCompanyPrice TargetPrice when PublishedPrice Target/Price when PublishedPrice Target/Last Closing Price
Oct 22, 2021Mark NevilleScotiabank$62.07$54.9013.06%-20.57%
Analyst Rating Forecasts

DateCompanyPrevious RatingNew RatingRating Change
Dec 13, 2024CIBCOutperformOutperformhold
Aug 09, 2024RBC CapitalOutperformOutperformhold
Aug 09, 2024Raymond JamesMarket Performdowngrade
May 10, 2024RBC CapitalOutperformOutperformhold
May 10, 2024BMO CapitalOutperformOutperformhold
May 02, 2024ScotiabankSector PerformSector Performhold
Feb 23, 2023BTIGNeutraldowngrade
Nov 15, 2022RBC CapitalSector PerformSector Performhold
May 13, 2022RBC CapitalSector PerformSector Performhold
Apr 25, 2022Zacks Investment ResearchHoldupgrade

Financial Forecast

EPS Forecast

Dec 20Dec 21Dec 22Dec 23Dec 24Dec 25Dec 26
Dec 20Dec 21Dec 22Dec 23Dec 24Dec 25Dec 26
Avg Forecast$1.61$1.91$2.22$2.80$3.00$3.38$3.82
High Forecast$1.67$1.98$2.28$2.86$3.07$3.50$4.12
Low Forecast$1.56$1.84$2.18$2.73$2.92$3.28$3.63
Surprise %-4.97%-5.76%0.45%6.43%---

Revenue Forecast

$4B$4B$5B$6B$6B$7BDec 20Dec 21Dec 22Dec 23Dec 24Dec 25Dec 26
Dec 20Dec 21Dec 22Dec 23Dec 24Dec 25Dec 26
Avg Forecast$3.71B$3.67B$4.40B$5.05B$5.81B$6.37B$6.76B
High Forecast$3.81B$3.77B$4.49B$5.10B$5.87B$6.62B$6.77B
Low Forecast$3.61B$3.58B$4.34B$4.99B$5.63B$6.25B$6.75B
Surprise %27.49%24.66%29.09%28.32%---

Net Income Forecast

$100M$180M$260M$340M$420M$500MDec 20Dec 21Dec 22Dec 23Dec 24Dec 25Dec 26
Dec 20Dec 21Dec 22Dec 23Dec 24Dec 25Dec 26
Avg Forecast$184.83M$248.75M$294.07M$331.20M$333.14M$377.07M$430.79M
High Forecast$221.80M$298.50M$352.89M$397.44M$341.34M$389.06M$458.02M
Low Forecast$147.86M$199.00M$235.26M$264.96M$324.93M$365.08M$403.55M
Surprise %-7.43%-19.32%-16.01%----

STN Forecast FAQ

Is Stantec stock a buy?

Stantec stock has a consensus rating of Hold, based on 11 Wall Street analysts. The rating breakdown includes 0 Strong Buy, 5 Buy, 6 Hold, 0 Sell, and 0 Strong Sell, reflecting a consensus that Stantec is a neutral investment for most analysts.

What is Stantec's price target?

Stantec's price target, set by 11 Wall Street analysts, averages $62.07 over the next 12 months. The price target range spans from $62.07 at the low end to $62.07 at the high end, suggesting a potential -20.57% change from the previous closing price of $78.14.

How does Stantec stock forecast compare to its benchmarks?

Stantec's stock forecast shows a -20.57% downside, underperforming the average forecast for the industrials stocks sector (17.13%).

What is the breakdown of analyst ratings for Stantec over the past three months?

  • February 2025: 50.00% Strong Buy, 33.33% Buy, 16.67% Hold, 0% Sell, 0% Strong Sell.
  • January 2025: 50.00% Strong Buy, 33.33% Buy, 16.67% Hold, 0% Sell, 0% Strong Sell.
  • December 2024: 50.00% Strong Buy, 33.33% Buy, 16.67% Hold, 0% Sell, 0% Strong Sell.

What is Stantec’s EPS forecast?

Stantec's average annual EPS forecast for its fiscal year ending in December 2024 is $3, marking a 0.67% increase from the reported $2.98 in 2023. Estimates for the following years are $3.38 in 2025, and $3.82 in 2026.

What is Stantec’s revenue forecast?

Stantec's average annual revenue forecast for its fiscal year ending in December 2024 is $5.81B, reflecting a -10.30% decrease from the reported $6.48B in 2023. The forecast for 2025 is $6.37B, and $6.76B for 2026.

What is Stantec’s net income forecast?

Stantec's net income forecast for the fiscal year ending in December 2024 stands at $333.14M, representing an 0.58% increase from the reported $331.2M in 2023. Projections indicate $377.07M in 2025, and $430.79M in 2026.