Soho House (SHCO) Revenue & Revenue Breakdown


Soho House Revenue Highlights

Latest Revenue (Y)


Latest Revenue (Q)


Main Segment (Y)

Product And Services Produced With In Company Premises

Main Geography (Y)

North America

Soho House Revenue by Period

Soho House Revenue by Year


Soho House generated $1.14B in revenue during NA 2023, up 16.83% compared to the previous quarter, and up 0.00% compared to the same period a year ago.

Soho House Revenue by Quarter


Soho House generated $263.15M in revenue during Q1 2024, up -9.51% compared to the previous quarter, and up 97.32% compared to the same period a year ago.

Soho House Revenue Breakdown

Soho House Revenue Breakdown by Product

Annual Revenue by Product

Product/ServiceDec 23Jan 23Jan 22
Product and Service, Other$292.33M$272.80M-
Product And Services Produced With In Company Premises$482.07M$426.60M-
Membership Revenue--$198.08M
In House Revenue--$227.84M
Elimination Of Equity Accounted Revenue--$-32.02M
Other Revenue--$166.65M

Soho House's latest annual revenue breakdown by segment (product or service), as of Dec 23: Product And Services Produced With In Company Premises (42.44%), Membership (31.82%), and Product and Service, Other (25.74%).

Quarterly Revenue by Product

Product/ServiceSep 24Mar 24Dec 23Oct 23Jul 23Apr 23Jan 23Oct 22
Product and Service, Other$105.32M$52.55M$125.69M$92.39M$74.25M$186.27M$86.53M-
Product And Services Produced With In Company Premises$120.66M$110.40M$241.30M$115.29M$125.48M$318.11M$108.49M-
In House Revenue-----$120.65M--
Other Revenue-----$59.45M--
Elimination Of Equity Accounted Revenue-----$-11.24M--
Membership Revenue-----$86.35M--

Soho House's latest quarterly revenue breakdown by segment (product or service), as of Sep 24: Product And Services Produced With In Company Premises (36.19%), Membership (32.21%), and Product and Service, Other (31.59%).

Soho House Revenue Breakdown by Country

Annual Revenue by Country

CountryDec 23Jan 23Jan 22
North America$456.42M$404.04M$240.15M
Europe ROW$211.99M$157.76M$80.42M

Soho House's latest annual revenue breakdown by geography, as of Dec 23: North America (44.46%), UK (34.89%), and Europe ROW (20.65%).

Quarterly Revenue by Country

CountrySep 24Mar 24Dec 23Oct 23Jul 23Apr 23Jan 23Oct 22
Europe ROW$90.38M$37.58M$42.69M$74.17M$56.52M$38.61M$96.40M$61.36M
North America-$118.49M$122.49M$106.20M$115.42M$112.30M$303.06M$100.98M

Soho House's latest quarterly revenue breakdown by geography, as of Sep 24: UK (53.15%), and Europe ROW (46.85%).

SHCO Revenue FAQ

What is Soho House’s yearly revenue?

Soho House's yearly revenue for 2023 was $1.14B, representing an increase of 16.83% compared to 2022. The company's yearly revenue for 2022 was $972.21M, representing an increase of 73.44% compared to 2021. SHCO's yearly revenue for 2021 was $560.55M, representing an increase of 45.83% compared to 2020.

What is Soho House’s quarterly revenue?

Soho House's quarterly revenue for Q1 2024 was $263.15M, a -9.51% decrease from the previous quarter (Q4 2023), and a 3.11% increase year-over-year (Q1 2023). The company's quarterly revenue for Q4 2023 was $290.79M, a -3.38% decrease from the previous quarter (Q3 2023), and a 7.54% increase year-over-year (Q4 2022). SHCO's quarterly revenue for Q3 2023 was $300.96M, a 4.17% increase from the previous quarter (Q2 2023), and a 13.12% increase year-over-year (Q3 2022).

What is Soho House’s revenue growth rate?

Soho House's revenue growth rate for the last 3 years (2021-2023) was 102.64%

What are Soho House’s revenue streams?

Soho House's revenue streams in c 23 are Membership, Product and Service, Other, and Product And Services Produced With In Company Premises. Membership generated $361.49M in revenue, accounting 31.82% of the company's total revenue, up 32.51% year-over-year. Product and Service, Other generated $292.33M in revenue, accounting 25.74% of the company's total revenue, up 7.16% year-over-year. Product And Services Produced With In Company Premises generated $482.07M in revenue, accounting 42.44% of the company's total revenue, up 13.00% year-over-year.

What is Soho House’s main source of revenue?

For the fiscal year ending Dec 23, the largest source of revenue of Soho House was Product And Services Produced With In Company Premises. This segment made a revenue of $482.07M, representing 42.44% of the company's total revenue.