Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico Ownership | Who Owns Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico?


Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico Ownership Summary

Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico is owned by 1.24% institutional investors, and 98.76% retail investors. Blackrock is the largest institutional shareholder, holding 0.26% of PAC shares. iShares Global Infrastructure ETF is the top mutual fund, with 1.91% of its assets in Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico shares.

PAC Ownership Benchmark

TypeName% Inst% Insiders% Retail
StockGrupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico1.24%-98.76%
SectorIndustrials Stocks 64.11%10.54%25.36%

Institutional Shareholders

Top Institutional Shareholders by Total Shares

HolderShares% HoldingValue
Price t rowe associates inc /md/535.34K0.11%$83.39M
Lazard asset management480.98K0.10%$74.92M
State street337.59K0.07%$52.59M
Deutsche bank ag\233.49K0.05%$36.37M
Capital research global investors173.66K0.03%$27.05M
Northcape capital pty171.84K0.03%$30.07M
Nuveen asset management144.88K0.03%$25.44M
Morgan stanley142.15K0.03%$22.14M

Top Institutional Shareholders by % of Total Assets

HolderShares% AssetsValue
Northcape capital pty171.84K4.81%$30.07M
Abs direct equity fund10.55K2.14%$1.85M
Albert d mason11.10K1.30%$1.94M
Malaga cove capital17.91K1.13%$2.79M
Eagle ridge investment management70.79K1.02%$11.03M
Anthracite investment company6.12K0.82%$1.83M
Marshall financial group5.93K0.25%$1.04M
Harbour capital advisors3.88K0.15%$694.18K
Maryland state retirement & pension system47.11K0.14%$7.34M

Top Buyers

HolderShares% AssetsChange
1832 asset management89.72K0.01%89.72K
Janney montgomery scott83.31K0.04%83.31K
Bank of america corp /de/43.55K0.00%32.74K
Morgan stanley142.15K0.00%17.83K
Advisor group7.70K0.00%7.50K

Top Sellers

HolderShares% AssetsChange
Itau unibanco---101.71K
Canada pension plan investment board---27.90K
Deutsche bank ag\233.49K0.02%-25.34K
Ubs asset management americas---20.80K

New Positions

HolderShares% AssetsChangeValue
1832 asset management89.72K0.01%89.72K$13.98M
Janney montgomery scott83.31K0.04%83.31K$12.98M
Cetera investment advisers4.38K0.00%4.38K$682.81K
Kestra advisory services3.24K0.00%3.24K$505.32K
Centiva capital, lp2.28K0.01%2.28K$355.47K

Sold Out

Financial gravity asset management-1.00
Blackston financial advisory group-5.00
Hexagon capital partners-10.00
Systm wealth solutions-19.00
Annis gardner whiting capital advisors-20.00

Institutional Ownership Trends

DateHoldingsChange %SharesChange %OwnershipChange %Increased PositionChange %Decreased PositionChange %
Sep 30, 2024135-0.74%6,261,44619.44%1111.94%785.41%39-4.88%
Jun 30, 20241346.35%5,242,278-0.40%10.97%7212.50%41-4.65%
Mar 31, 2024126-1.56%5,263,343-1.75%109.27%6448.84%43-31.75%
Dec 31, 2023128-12.93%5,357,134-12.37%107.24%43-20.37%633.28%
Sep 30, 2023147-5.16%6,113,1140.99%128.43%54-23.94%617.02%

Top Mutual Funds Shareholders

HolderShares% HoldingChange
iShares Global Infrastructure ETF967.24K1.91%5.95K
T. Rowe Price Emerging Mkts Discv Tr-Z490.16K0.97%38.76K
T. Rowe Price Em Mkts Discv Stk328.06K0.65%2.00K
T. Rowe Price Em Mkt Disc Eq328.06K0.65%4.20K
DWS Invest Global Infras FC193.47K0.38%12.61K
Lazard Emerging Markets Equity Instl192.02K0.38%25.55K
DWS Global Infrastr Sec Instl179.38K0.35%6.57K
American Funds New World A122.28K0.24%-
Capital Group New Geography Equity Comp122.28K0.24%-
DWS RREEF Real Assets Inst112.83K0.22%7.15K

PAC Ownership FAQ

Who owns the most shares of Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico?

Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico’s largest shareholders are Blackrock (1.3M shares, 0.26%), Price t rowe associates inc /md/ (535.34K shares, 0.11%), and Renaissance (532.2K shares, 0.11%). Together, they hold 0.47% of Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico’s total shares outstanding.

Does Blackrock own Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico?

Yes, BlackRock owns 0.26% of Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico, totaling 1.3M shares as of Jun 2024. This represents 0.00% of BlackRock's total assets, with a market value of 202.41M$. In the last quarter, BlackRock decreased its holdings by -46.281K shares, a -3.44% change.

Who is Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico’s biggest shareholder by percentage of total assets invested?

Northcape capital pty is Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico’s biggest shareholder by percentage of total assets invested, with 4.81% of its assets in 171.84K Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico shares, valued at 30.07M$.

Who is the top mutual fund holder of Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico shares?

iShares Global Infrastructure ETF is the top mutual fund holder of Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico shares, with 1.91% of its total shares outstanding invested in 967.24K Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico shares.

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