Oxford Square Capital Ownership | Who Owns Oxford Square Capital?


Oxford Square Capital Ownership Summary

Oxford Square Capital is owned by 6.21% institutional investors, 9.62% insiders, and 84.17% retail investors. Two sigma advisers, lp is the largest institutional shareholder, holding 1.45% of OXSQ shares. iShares Listed Private Eq ETF USD Dist is the top mutual fund, with 0.40% of its assets in Oxford Square Capital shares.

OXSQ Ownership Benchmark

TypeName% Inst% Insiders% Retail
StockOxford Square Capital6.21%9.62%84.17%
SectorFinancial Services Stocks 86.48%14.02%-0.50%
IndustryAsset Management Stocks41.88%9.11%49.01%

Institutional Shareholders

Top Institutional Shareholders by Total Shares

HolderShares% HoldingValue
Two sigma advisers, lp862.11K1.45%$2.53M
Two sigma investments, lp537.60K0.90%$1.58M
Legal & general group497.35K0.83%$1.46M
Virtus etf advisers159.85K0.27%$469.96K
Moloney securities asset management154.80K0.24%$377.71K
Connor, clark & lunn investment management140.31K0.24%$412.51K
Millennium management123.01K0.21%$361.64K
Commonwealth equity services92.33K0.15%$271.00K
Kingsview wealth management68.42K0.11%$166.96K

Top Institutional Shareholders by % of Total Assets

HolderShares% AssetsValue
Virtus etf advisers159.85K0.23%$469.96K
Silverberg bernstein capital management46.58K0.10%$113.66K
Moloney securities asset management154.80K0.05%$377.71K
Founders financial alliance37.64K0.03%$110.66K
Lifesteps financial10.00K0.02%$24.40K
International assets investment management44.77K0.01%$112.37M
Two sigma advisers, lp862.11K0.01%$2.53M
Two sigma investments, lp537.60K0.00%$1.58M
Kingsview wealth management68.42K0.00%$166.96K
Alerus financial na10.00K0.00%$29.40K

Top Buyers

HolderShares% AssetsChange
Two sigma advisers, lp862.11K0.01%414.20K
Legal & general group497.35K0.00%78.10K
Ubs group55.57K-42.96K
Virtus etf advisers159.85K0.23%42.25K
Two sigma investments, lp537.60K0.00%24.54K

Top Sellers

HolderShares% AssetsChange
Quadrature capital---133.17K
International assets investment management44.77K0.01%-92.54K
Marshall wace, llp---61.94K
Eagle global advisors---44.81K
Citadel advisors---41.08K

New Positions

HolderShares% AssetsChangeValue
Synergy asset management2.75K0.00%2.75K$7.78K
Cibc private wealth group2.50K-2.50K$7.47K
Pom investment strategies821.000.00%821.00$2.00K

Sold Out

Voisard asset management group-37.00
Qube research-144.00
Cape investment advisory-701.00
Cypress capital-850.00

Institutional Ownership Trends

DateHoldingsChange %SharesChange %OwnershipChange %Increased PositionChange %Decreased PositionChange %
Sep 30, 202445-4.26%4,024,47417.71%618.90%18-18.18%1440.00%
Jun 30, 202447-9.62%3,418,8657.75%520.25%22-4.35%10-33.33%
Mar 31, 2024521.96%3,172,857-12.92%514.09%23-15-16.67%
Dec 31, 202351-3,643,443-3.20%613.97%23-14.81%1838.46%
Sep 30, 2023512.00%3,764,010-4.72%610.85%2712.50%138.33%

Top Mutual Funds Shareholders

HolderShares% HoldingChange
iShares Listed Private Eq ETF USD Dist274.33K0.40%-
Virtus Private Credit ETF206.43K0.30%8.12K
Undrly Fid DC L&G Fut Wld Mlt Asst MAGJ98.82K0.15%98.82K
RBC Microcap Value I25.80K0.04%-
Mediobanca SICAV PE Strat C26.98K0.04%-
FlexShares® Listed Priv Eq ETF USD Acc20.64K0.03%-
Blackstone Alternative Multi-Strategy I14.60K0.02%5.80K
Sun Life CC&L Group Income & Growth Seg9.18K0.01%9.18K
Undrly L&G Pen PMC Consensus Idx1.70K0.00%-178.00
Undrly Fid DC L&G Consensus AB Life1.70K0.00%-178.00

Recent Insider Transactions

May 27, 2022COHEN JONATHAN H Chief Executive OfficerBuy$7.14K
May 27, 2022ROSENTHAL SAUL B President and COOBuy$7.14K
May 25, 2022COHEN JONATHAN H Chief Executive OfficerBuy$3.33K
May 24, 2022COHEN JONATHAN H Chief Executive OfficerBuy$16.79K
May 24, 2022ROSENTHAL SAUL B President and COOBuy$3.33K

Insider Transactions Trends

2022 Q220-
2022 Q110-

OXSQ Ownership FAQ

Who Owns Oxford Square Capital?

Oxford Square Capital shareholders are primarily institutional investors at 6.21%, followed by 9.62% insiders and 84.17% retail investors. The average institutional ownership in Oxford Square Capital's industry, Asset Management Stocks, is 41.88%, which Oxford Square Capital falls below.

Who owns the most shares of Oxford Square Capital?

Oxford Square Capital’s largest shareholders are Two sigma advisers, lp (862.11K shares, 1.45%), Two sigma investments, lp (537.6K shares, 0.90%), and Legal & general group (497.35K shares, 0.83%). Together, they hold 3.18% of Oxford Square Capital’s total shares outstanding.

Does Blackrock own Oxford Square Capital?

Yes, BlackRock owns 0.35% of Oxford Square Capital, totaling 206.4K shares as of Jun 2024. This represents 0% of BlackRock's total assets, with a market value of 606.81K$. In the last quarter, BlackRock decreased its holdings by -9.783K shares, a -4.53% change.

Who is Oxford Square Capital’s biggest shareholder by percentage of total assets invested?

Virtus etf advisers is Oxford Square Capital’s biggest shareholder by percentage of total assets invested, with 0.23% of its assets in 159.85K Oxford Square Capital shares, valued at 469.96K$.

Who is the top mutual fund holder of Oxford Square Capital shares?

iShares Listed Private Eq ETF USD Dist is the top mutual fund holder of Oxford Square Capital shares, with 0.40% of its total shares outstanding invested in 274.33K Oxford Square Capital shares.

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