Oncolytics Biotech Ownership | Who Owns Oncolytics Biotech?


Oncolytics Biotech Ownership Summary

Oncolytics Biotech is owned by 1.57% institutional investors, 3.82% insiders, and 94.62% retail investors. International assets investment management is the largest institutional shareholder, holding 0.26% of ONCY shares. Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index is the top mutual fund, with 0.05% of its assets in Oncolytics Biotech shares.

ONCY Ownership Benchmark

TypeName% Inst% Insiders% Retail
StockOncolytics Biotech1.57%3.82%94.62%
SectorHealthcare Stocks 88.01%8.90%3.09%
IndustryBiotech Stocks 109.70%8.77%-18.47%

Institutional Shareholders

Top Institutional Shareholders by Total Shares

HolderShares% HoldingValue
International assets investment management200.40K0.26%$186.33M
Seeds investor189.94K0.25%$188.04K
Morgan stanley138.52K0.18%$137.14K
Citadel advisors137.09K0.18%$135.71K
Goldman sachs group83.60K0.11%$82.76K
Commonwealth equity services63.11K0.08%$62.00K
Royal bank of canada62.27K0.08%$62.00K
Cibc world market58.68K0.08%$54.00K
Geode capital management41.94K0.06%$41.52K
Long focus capital management40.00K0.05%$39.60K

Top Institutional Shareholders by % of Total Assets

HolderShares% AssetsValue
Seeds investor189.94K0.10%$188.04K
International assets investment management200.40K0.02%$186.33M
Brave asset management25.00K0.01%$23.12K
Rovin capital /ut/ /adv20.62K0.01%$19.00K
Seacrest wealth management26.00K0.00%$23.76K
Ausdal financial partners21.00K0.00%$20.79K
Virtu financial27.44K0.00%$27.00K
Long focus capital management40.00K0.00%$39.60K
Activest wealth management5.00K0.00%$4.57K

Top Buyers

HolderShares% AssetsChange
Seeds investor189.94K0.10%189.94K
International assets investment management200.40K0.02%26.07K
Federation des caisses desjardins du quebec13.29K0.00%10.00K
National bank of canada /fi/21.70K-10.00K
Ubs group5.60K-4.44K

Top Sellers

HolderShares% AssetsChange
Morgan stanley138.52K--209.79K
Millennium management---40.89K
Citadel advisors137.09K--25.68K
Virtu financial27.44K0.00%-24.45K
C2p capital advisory group, llc d.b.a. prosperity capital advisors---15.00K

New Positions

HolderShares% AssetsChangeValue
Seeds investor189.94K0.10%189.94K$188.04K
Allworth financial lp2.00K-2.00K$2.06K
Bnp paribas arbitrage, snc1.90K-1.90K$1.88K
Aviso financial56.00-56.00$55.00

Sold Out

Pacifica partners-100.00
Toronto dominion bank-474.00
Atom investors lp-10.26K
Jpmorgan chase-11.50K
Two sigma securities-11.82K

Institutional Ownership Trends

DateHoldingsChange %SharesChange %OwnershipChange %Increased PositionChange %Decreased PositionChange %
Sep 30, 202441-1,193,430-8.85%151.80%14-22.22%912.50%
Jun 30, 20244117.14%1,309,286-7.29%147.43%1828.57%8-
Mar 31, 202435-18.60%1,412,246-72.26%13.60%14-33.33%8-20.00%
Dec 31, 20234330.30%5,090,222-18.12%77.84%2131.25%10100.00%
Sep 30, 20233310.00%6,216,786663.94%9565.98%1645.45%5-28.57%

Top Mutual Funds Shareholders

HolderShares% HoldingChange
Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index41.94K0.05%-
Vifag 2002 SICAV30.00K0.04%-

ONCY Ownership FAQ

Who Owns Oncolytics Biotech?

Oncolytics Biotech shareholders are primarily institutional investors at 1.57%, followed by 3.82% insiders and 94.61% retail investors. The average institutional ownership in Oncolytics Biotech's industry, Biotech Stocks , is 109.70%, which Oncolytics Biotech falls below.

Who owns the most shares of Oncolytics Biotech?

Oncolytics Biotech’s largest shareholders are International assets investment management (200.4K shares, 0.26%), Seeds investor (189.94K shares, 0.25%), and Morgan stanley (138.52K shares, 0.18%). Together, they hold 0.70% of Oncolytics Biotech’s total shares outstanding.

Does Blackrock own Oncolytics Biotech?

BlackRock is not among the top 10 institutional shareholders of Oncolytics Biotech.

Who is Oncolytics Biotech’s biggest shareholder by percentage of total assets invested?

Seeds investor is Oncolytics Biotech’s biggest shareholder by percentage of total assets invested, with 0.10% of its assets in 189.94K Oncolytics Biotech shares, valued at 188.04K$.

Who is the top mutual fund holder of Oncolytics Biotech shares?

Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index is the top mutual fund holder of Oncolytics Biotech shares, with 0.05% of its total shares outstanding invested in 41.94K Oncolytics Biotech shares.

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