Maris-Tech (MTEK) Revenue & Revenue Breakdown
Maris-Tech Revenue Highlights
Latest Revenue (Y)
Latest Revenue (Q)
Main Geography (Y)
Maris-Tech Revenue by Period
Maris-Tech Revenue by Year
Date | Revenue | Change |
2023-12-31 | $4.03M | 60.93% |
2022-12-31 | $2.50M | 20.67% |
2021-12-31 | $2.08M | 110.12% |
2020-12-31 | $987.88K | 10.62% |
2019-12-31 | $893.03K | - |
Maris-Tech Revenue by Quarter
Date | Revenue | Change |
2023-12-31 | $3.56M | 100.00% |
2023-09-30 | $1.78M | 275.35% |
2023-06-30 | $473.85K | 100.00% |
2023-03-31 | $236.93K | -69.17% |
2022-12-31 | $768.49K | - |
2022-09-30 | $768.49K | 58.79% |
2022-06-30 | $483.96K | - |
Maris-Tech Revenue Breakdown
Maris-Tech Revenue Breakdown by Country
Annual Revenue by Country
Country | Dec 23 | Dec 22 |
AUSTRALIA | $469.37K | - |
ISRAEL | $3.05M | $1.31M |
UNITED STATES | $950.00 | $301.99K |
Maris-Tech Peer Comparison by Revenue
Ticker | Company | Last Year Revenue | Last Quarter Revenue |
LPTH | LightPath | $31.73B | $7.70M |
MEI | Methode Electronics | $1.11B | $258.50M |
DAKT | Daktronics | $818.08M | $226.09M |
SGMA | SigmaTron | $373.88M | $84.78M |
KOPN | Kopin | $40.39M | $12.34B |
CPSH | CPS | $27.55M | $4.25B |
LINK | Interlink Electronics | $13.94M | $2.90M |
TMPO | Tempo Automation | $12.05M | $2.77M |
MMAT | Meta Materials | $7.84M | $3.27M |
MTEK | Maris-Tech | $4.03M | $3.56M |
MTEK Revenue FAQ
What is Maris-Tech’s yearly revenue?
Maris-Tech's yearly revenue for 2023 was $4.03M, representing an increase of 60.93% compared to 2022. The company's yearly revenue for 2022 was $2.5M, representing an increase of 20.67% compared to 2021. MTEK's yearly revenue for 2021 was $2.08M, representing an increase of 110.12% compared to 2020.
What is Maris-Tech’s quarterly revenue?
Maris-Tech's quarterly revenue for Q4 2023 was $3.56M, a 100.00% increase from the previous quarter (Q3 2023), and a 362.89% increase year-over-year (Q4 2022). The company's quarterly revenue for Q3 2023 was $1.78M, a 275.35% increase from the previous quarter (Q2 2023), and a 131.45% increase year-over-year (Q3 2022). MTEK's quarterly revenue for Q2 2023 was $473.85K, a 100.00% increase from the previous quarter (Q1 2023), and a -2.09% decrease year-over-year (Q2 2022).
What is Maris-Tech’s revenue growth rate?
Maris-Tech's revenue growth rate for the last 3 years (2021-2023) was 94.20%, and for the last 5 years (2019-2023) was 351.39%.