MINISO Group Ownership | Who Owns MINISO Group?


MINISO Group Ownership Summary

MINISO Group is owned by 9.67% institutional investors, 1.00% insiders, and 89.34% retail investors. Keywise capital management (hk) is the largest institutional shareholder, holding 1.66% of MNSO shares. M&G (ACS) China GBPZ1A Acc is the top mutual fund, with 0.30% of its assets in MINISO Group shares.

MNSO Ownership Benchmark

TypeName% Inst% Insiders% Retail
StockMINISO Group9.67%1.00%89.34%
SectorConsumer Cyclical Stocks 59.80%12.55%27.65%
IndustrySpecialty Retail Stocks 51.35%11.45%37.20%

Institutional Shareholders

Top Institutional Shareholders by Total Shares

HolderShares% HoldingValue
Keywise capital management (hk)5.19M1.66%$98.92M
Schroder investment management group4.95M1.59%$94.40M
Morgan stanley3.03M0.97%$57.81M
Norges bank2.70M0.87%$51.47M
Marshall wace, llp2.29M0.73%$43.66M
Sylebra capital1.83M0.59%$34.92M
Point72 hong kong1.71M0.55%$32.57M
Victory capital management1.59M0.51%$30.29M
Pictet asset management sa1.48M0.47%$28.14M
Ubs group1.29M0.41%$24.60M

Top Institutional Shareholders by % of Total Assets

HolderShares% AssetsValue
Keywise capital management (hk)5.19M11.88%$98.92M
Xy capital237.59K2.73%$5.68M
Abs direct equity fund77.44K2.14%$1.85M
Point72 hong kong1.71M1.95%$32.57M
Long corridor asset management85.62K1.55%$1.63M
Sylebra capital1.83M1.29%$34.92M
Gsa capital partners llp97.60K0.13%$1.86M
Schroder investment management group4.95M0.10%$94.40M
Marshall wace, llp2.29M0.06%$43.66M

Top Buyers

HolderShares% AssetsChange
Norges bank2.70M0.01%2.70M
Morgan stanley3.03M0.00%2.60M
Sylebra capital1.83M1.29%898.37K
Point72 hong kong1.71M1.95%804.71K
Point72 asset management1.11M0.06%645.72K

Top Sellers

HolderShares% AssetsChange
Schroder investment management group4.95M0.10%-1.79M
Marshall wace, llp2.29M0.06%-1.51M
Acadian asset management---914.17K
Gts securities---759.00K

New Positions

HolderShares% AssetsChangeValue
Norges bank2.70M0.01%2.70M$51.47M
National bank of canada /fi/313.94K0.01%313.94K$5.96M
Long corridor asset management85.62K1.55%85.62K$1.63M
Twinbeech capital lp78.14K0.03%78.14K$1.49M
Hrt financial lp21.40K0.00%21.40K$408.00K

Sold Out

Creekmur asset management-7.00
Financial gravity asset management-32.00
Parallel advisors-47.00
Bell investment advisors-57.00
Vitalstone financial-141.00

Institutional Ownership Trends

DateHoldingsChange %SharesChange %OwnershipChange %Increased PositionChange %Decreased PositionChange %
Sep 30, 2024113-23.65%30,223,805-29.71%95.08%49-30.99%44-20.00%
Jun 30, 2024148-7.50%42,996,586-5.56%136.50%71-10.13%55-8.33%
Mar 31, 2024160-4.19%45,530,145-15.98%144.85%79-5.95%60-10.45%
Dec 31, 2023167-13.47%54,192,602-13.87%174.31%84-25.00%679.84%
Sep 30, 202319321.38%62,917,190-7.89%204.25%11217.89%6152.50%

Top Mutual Funds Shareholders

HolderShares% HoldingChange
M&G (ACS) China GBPZ1A Acc939.65K0.30%251.68K
PGSF Glb Hi Yld Em Eq PDI622.91K0.20%22.59K
Pictet-Asian Equities Ex Japan I USD539.75K0.17%-33.96K
Candriam Sst Eq Em Mkts R € Acc380.00K0.12%380.00K
Mediolanum BB Chns Rd Opp LA340.11K0.11%-54.34K
M&G Funds(1) APAC (ex Jpn) Eq GBPZ1A Acc338.24K0.11%-9.61K
Fidelity Greater China A-Dis-USD324.68K0.10%-118.97K
Carmignac Emergents A EUR Acc319.31K0.10%-
Schroder ISF Greater China C Acc USD306.10K0.10%306.10K
Fidelity Greater China II S-Acc-SGD268.70K0.09%-72.34K

MNSO Ownership FAQ

Who Owns MINISO Group?

MINISO Group shareholders are primarily institutional investors at 9.67%, followed by 1.00% insiders and 89.33% retail investors. The average institutional ownership in MINISO Group's industry, Specialty Retail Stocks , is 51.35%, which MINISO Group falls below.

Who owns the most shares of MINISO Group?

MINISO Group’s largest shareholders are Keywise capital management (hk) (5.19M shares, 1.66%), Schroder investment management group (4.95M shares, 1.59%), and Morgan stanley (3.03M shares, 0.97%). Together, they hold 4.23% of MINISO Group’s total shares outstanding.

Does Blackrock own MINISO Group?

BlackRock is not among the top 10 institutional shareholders of MINISO Group.

Who is MINISO Group’s biggest shareholder by percentage of total assets invested?

Keywise capital management (hk) is MINISO Group’s biggest shareholder by percentage of total assets invested, with 11.88% of its assets in 5.19M MINISO Group shares, valued at 98.92M$.

Who is the top mutual fund holder of MINISO Group shares?

M&G (ACS) China GBPZ1A Acc is the top mutual fund holder of MINISO Group shares, with 0.30% of its total shares outstanding invested in 939.65K MINISO Group shares.

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