Manhattan Bridge Capital Ownership | Who Owns Manhattan Bridge Capital?


Manhattan Bridge Capital Ownership Summary

Manhattan Bridge Capital is owned by 50.52% institutional investors, 24.54% insiders, and 24.94% retail investors. Hardy reed is the largest institutional shareholder, holding 3.81% of LOAN shares. Vanguard Total Stock Mkt Idx Inv is the top mutual fund, with 2.30% of its assets in Manhattan Bridge Capital shares.

LOAN Ownership Benchmark

TypeName% Inst% Insiders% Retail
StockManhattan Bridge Capital50.52%24.54%24.94%
SectorReal Estate Stocks 66.63%8.14%25.23%
IndustryMortgage REIT Stocks45.59%4.28%50.13%

Institutional Shareholders

Top Institutional Shareholders by Total Shares

HolderShares% HoldingValue
Hardy reed435.50K3.81%$435.50K
Vanguard group370.70K3.24%$1.91M
Bard associates368.67K3.22%$1.89M
Melia wealth267.65K2.34%$1.38M
Shufro rose216.78K1.90%$1.11M
Beese fulmer investment management142.60K1.25%$142.60K
Pinnacle wealth planning services137.16K1.20%$137.16K
Bellwether advisors135.07K1.18%$135.07K
Geode capital management110.91K0.97%$570.20K

Top Institutional Shareholders by % of Total Assets

HolderShares% AssetsValue
Melia wealth267.65K0.75%$1.38M
Bard associates368.67K0.73%$1.89M
Shufro rose216.78K0.09%$1.11M
Capital management associates32.91K0.07%$184.29K
Hfg wealth management15.59K0.06%$86.83K
Hardy reed435.50K0.04%$435.50K
Bellwether advisors135.07K0.03%$135.07K
Pinnacle wealth planning services137.16K0.02%$137.16K
Perritt capital management33.51K0.02%$33.51K
Frazier financial advisors16.95K0.01%$16.95K

Top Buyers

HolderShares% AssetsChange
Melia wealth267.65K0.75%205.49K
Hardy reed435.50K0.04%132.99K
Capital management associates32.91K0.07%32.91K
Olio financial planning20.90K0.01%20.90K

Top Sellers

HolderShares% AssetsChange
Soltis investment advisors---2.65M
Portfolio strategies---302.51K
International assets investment management27.42K0.01%-119.26K
Pds planning---98.53K
North star investment management---46.26K

New Positions

HolderShares% AssetsChangeValue
Capital management associates32.91K0.07%32.91K$184.29K
Olio financial planning20.90K0.01%20.90K$20.90K

Sold Out

Ritholtz wealth management-10.81K
Virtu financial-13.72K
Tobias financial advisors-34.04K
North star investment management-46.26K

Institutional Ownership Trends

DateHoldingsChange %SharesChange %OwnershipChange %Increased PositionChange %Decreased PositionChange %
Sep 30, 202443-2.27%5,778,99091.77%507.28%15-28.57%166.67%
Jun 30, 202443-4.44%2,928,731-3.81%253.62%20-13.04%1515.38%
Mar 31, 2024459.76%3,044,57921.23%265.54%239.52%1318.18%
Dec 31, 2023417.89%2,511,3910.93%214.66%21-11-8.33%
Sep 30, 2023382.70%2,488,14321.94%216.88%2150.00%12-20.00%

Top Mutual Funds Shareholders

HolderShares% HoldingChange
Vanguard Total Stock Mkt Idx Inv262.66K2.30%-
Vanguard Institutional Extnd Mkt Idx Tr97.42K0.85%-
Fidelity Extended Market Index57.86K0.51%-466.00
RBC Microcap Value I38.70K0.34%-
Fidelity Total Market Index23.53K0.21%-
iShares Micro-Cap ETF21.88K0.19%-
Bridgeway Ultra-Small Company15.22K0.13%-
Fidelity Series Total Market Index12.88K0.11%-
Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index9.85K0.09%1.11K
Schwab Total Stock Market Index7.73K0.07%-

Recent Insider Transactions

May 12, 2023RAN ASSAF President and CEOBuy$24.70K
Apr 25, 2023RAN ASSAF President and CEOBuy$4.77K
Apr 26, 2023RAN ASSAF President and CEOBuy$1.61K
Apr 25, 2023RAN ASSAF President and CEOBuy$8.61K
Apr 24, 2023RAN ASSAF President and CEOBuy$25.05K

Insider Transactions Trends

2023 Q25-
2022 Q41-
2022 Q23-
2021 Q41-
2020 Q411

LOAN Ownership FAQ

Who Owns Manhattan Bridge Capital?

Manhattan Bridge Capital shareholders are primarily institutional investors at 50.52%, followed by 24.54% insiders and 24.94% retail investors. The average institutional ownership in Manhattan Bridge Capital's industry, Mortgage REIT Stocks, is 45.59%, which Manhattan Bridge Capital exceeds.

Who owns the most shares of Manhattan Bridge Capital?

Manhattan Bridge Capital’s largest shareholders are Hardy reed (435.5K shares, 3.81%), Vanguard group (370.7K shares, 3.24%), and Bard associates (368.67K shares, 3.22%). Together, they hold 10.27% of Manhattan Bridge Capital’s total shares outstanding.

Does Blackrock own Manhattan Bridge Capital?

BlackRock is not among the top 10 institutional shareholders of Manhattan Bridge Capital.

Who is Manhattan Bridge Capital’s biggest shareholder by percentage of total assets invested?

Melia wealth is Manhattan Bridge Capital’s biggest shareholder by percentage of total assets invested, with 0.75% of its assets in 267.65K Manhattan Bridge Capital shares, valued at 1.38M$.

Who is the top mutual fund holder of Manhattan Bridge Capital shares?

Vanguard Total Stock Mkt Idx Inv is the top mutual fund holder of Manhattan Bridge Capital shares, with 2.30% of its total shares outstanding invested in 262.66K Manhattan Bridge Capital shares.

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