LatAmGrowth SPAC Ownership | Who Owns LatAmGrowth SPAC?


LatAmGrowth SPAC Ownership Summary

LatAmGrowth SPAC is owned by 45.03% institutional investors, 23.04% insiders, and 31.93% retail investors. Berkley w r is the largest institutional shareholder, holding 6.02% of LATG shares. First Trust Merger Arbitrage Cl I is the top mutual fund, with 5.31% of its assets in LatAmGrowth SPAC shares.

LATG Ownership Benchmark

TypeName% Inst% Insiders% Retail
StockLatAmGrowth SPAC45.03%23.04%31.93%
SectorFinancial Services Stocks 86.48%14.02%-0.50%
IndustryShell Companies Stocks 904.91%39.76%-844.67%

Institutional Shareholders

Top Institutional Shareholders by Total Shares

HolderShares% HoldingValue
Berkley w r432.68K6.02%$4.93M
First trust capital management367.26K5.11%$4.18M
Polar asset management partners360.07K5.01%$4.10M
Wolverine asset management317.72K4.42%$3.62M
Periscope capital300.00K4.17%$3.42M
Meteora capital251.49K3.50%$2.86M
Westchester capital management219.63K3.05%$2.50M
Cowen and company140.09K1.95%$1.60M
Karpus management130.90K1.82%$1.49M
Spartan fund management125.00K1.74%$1.42M

Top Institutional Shareholders by % of Total Assets

HolderShares% AssetsValue
Spartan fund management125.00K3.99%$1.42M
Periscope capital300.00K1.16%$3.42M
Bck capital management lp84.73K0.62%$965.12K
Fir tree capital management lp102.51K0.61%$1.17M
Meteora capital251.49K0.52%$2.86M
First trust capital management367.26K0.38%$4.18M
Berkley w r432.68K0.21%$4.93M
Westchester capital management219.63K0.09%$2.50M
Polar asset management partners360.07K0.09%$4.10M
Robinson capital management12.00K0.05%$136.68K

Top Buyers

HolderShares% AssetsChange
Cowen and company140.09K0.04%27.41K
Wolverine asset management317.72K0.04%16.37K
Berkley w r432.68K0.21%16.29K
Spartan fund management125.00K3.99%-
First trust capital management367.26K0.38%-

Top Sellers

HolderShares% AssetsChange
Mizuho securities usa---399.82K
Picton mahoney asset management---154.00K
Fir tree capital management lp102.51K0.61%-27.41K
Radcliffe capital management---14.36K
Glazer capital50.16K0.04%-13.01K

Sold Out

Quarry lp-850.00
Clear street-1.74K
Radcliffe capital management-14.36K
Picton mahoney asset management-154.00K
Mizuho securities usa-399.82K

Institutional Ownership Trends

DateHoldingsChange %SharesChange %OwnershipChange %Increased PositionChange %Decreased PositionChange %
Sep 30, 202419-3,238,693-11.23%451.75%7133.33%3-50.00%
Jun 30, 202419-13.64%3,648,2590.03%501.97%3-66.67%620.00%
Mar 31, 202422-4.35%3,647,332-0.25%504.40%9-43.75%5-16.67%
Dec 31, 20232327.78%3,656,327-1.95%331.91%16166.67%650.00%
Sep 30, 202318-28.00%3,728,900-22.41%421.93%6-50.00%4-55.56%

Top Mutual Funds Shareholders

HolderShares% HoldingChange
First Trust Merger Arbitrage Cl I360.54K5.31%-
The Merger Fund A204.31K3.01%-
Picton Mahoney Fortified Arbtrg Pl Alt F113.90K1.58%-
Karpus Taxable Fixed Income68.20K0.95%-
Karpus Tax Sensitive Fixed Income54.20K0.75%-
Karpus Conservative Balanced35.10K0.49%-
Karpus Growth Balanced16.30K0.23%-
JNL Multi-Manager Alternative A15.32K0.21%-
Picton Mahoney Fortified Arbtrg Alt Fd F12.40K0.17%-
First Trust Multi-Strategy Cl I4.56K0.07%-

Insider Transactions Trends

2025 Q1--
2023 Q4--

LATG Ownership FAQ

Who Owns LatAmGrowth SPAC?

LatAmGrowth SPAC shareholders are primarily institutional investors at 45.03%, followed by 23.04% insiders and 31.93% retail investors. The average institutional ownership in LatAmGrowth SPAC's industry, Shell Companies Stocks , is 904.91%, which LatAmGrowth SPAC falls below.

Who owns the most shares of LatAmGrowth SPAC?

LatAmGrowth SPAC’s largest shareholders are Berkley w r (432.68K shares, 6.02%), First trust capital management (367.26K shares, 5.11%), and Polar asset management partners (360.07K shares, 5.01%). Together, they hold 16.13% of LatAmGrowth SPAC’s total shares outstanding.

Does Blackrock own LatAmGrowth SPAC?

BlackRock is not among the top 10 institutional shareholders of LatAmGrowth SPAC.

Who is LatAmGrowth SPAC’s biggest shareholder by percentage of total assets invested?

Spartan fund management is LatAmGrowth SPAC’s biggest shareholder by percentage of total assets invested, with 3.99% of its assets in 125K LatAmGrowth SPAC shares, valued at 1.42M$.

Who is the top mutual fund holder of LatAmGrowth SPAC shares?

First Trust Merger Arbitrage Cl I is the top mutual fund holder of LatAmGrowth SPAC shares, with 5.31% of its total shares outstanding invested in 360.54K LatAmGrowth SPAC shares.

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