Coca-Cola FEMSA Ownership | Who Owns Coca-Cola FEMSA?


Coca-Cola FEMSA Ownership Summary

Coca-Cola FEMSA is owned by 10.35% institutional investors, and 89.65% retail investors. Bill & melinda gates foundation trust is the largest institutional shareholder, holding 2.96% of KOF shares. Tweedy, Browne International Value Fund is the top mutual fund, with 0.48% of its assets in Coca-Cola FEMSA shares.

KOF Ownership Benchmark

TypeName% Inst% Insiders% Retail
StockCoca-Cola FEMSA10.35%-89.65%
SectorConsumer Defensive Stocks 52.71%13.91%33.39%
IndustryNon-Alcoholic Beverages Stocks42.23%23.43%34.34%

Institutional Shareholders

Top Institutional Shareholders by Total Shares

HolderShares% HoldingValue
Bill & melinda gates foundation trust6.21M2.96%$533.47M
Tweedy, browne1.39M0.66%$119.29M
Goldman sachs group1.19M0.57%$102.47M
Morgan stanley649.22K0.31%$55.73M
Macquarie group609.30K0.29%$52.30M
Lazard asset management573.25K0.27%$49.21M
Bank of america corp /de/543.55K0.26%$46.66M
Cullen capital management531.64K0.25%$45.64M
Itau unibanco508.97K0.24%$42.02M

Top Institutional Shareholders by % of Total Assets

HolderShares% AssetsValue
Tweedy, browne1.39M5.49%$119.29M
Wexford capital lp107.99K2.35%$9.27M
Martin capital partners51.50K1.79%$4.42M
Corvex management lp446.18K1.77%$38.30M
Itau unibanco508.97K1.72%$42.02M
Bill & melinda gates foundation trust6.21M1.12%$533.47M
Mrp capital investments11.67K0.94%$1.00M
Discerene group lp68.60K0.90%$5.89M
Vpr management24.79K0.80%$2.13M
Auto-owners insurance300.00K0.68%$25.75M

Top Buyers

HolderShares% AssetsChange
Morgan stanley649.22K0.00%282.02K
Robeco institutional asset management b.v.1.23M0.18%157.53K
Marshall wace, llp89.80K0.01%89.80K
Voloridge investment management102.33K0.03%85.98K

Top Sellers

HolderShares% AssetsChange
North of south capital llp---203.07K
Ci investments---169.48K
Goldman sachs group1.19M0.02%-112.22K

New Positions

HolderShares% AssetsChangeValue
Marshall wace, llp89.80K0.01%89.80K$7.71M
Healthcare of ontario pension plan trust fund17.80K0.00%17.80K$1.53M
State street15.60K0.00%15.60K$1.34M
Fisher asset management9.51K0.00%9.51K$815.91K
Kovitz investment group partners6.45K0.00%6.45K$555.44K

Sold Out

Financial gravity asset management-8.00
Advisornet financial-8.00
Rosenberg matthew hamilton-10.00
Cypress capital-13.00
Private ocean-15.00

Institutional Ownership Trends

DateHoldingsChange %SharesChange %OwnershipChange %Increased PositionChange %Decreased PositionChange %
Sep 30, 2024236-8.53%21,749,7682.22%1010.09%1255.93%72-24.21%
Jun 30, 2024253-8.00%21,269,484-0.48%109.78%115-10.16%93-5.10%
Mar 31, 20242757.84%21,372,741-4.05%109.05%128-9818.07%
Dec 31, 20232559.44%22,275,301-2.25%109.01%12845.45%83-12.63%
Sep 30, 2023233-0.43%22,788,568-0.61%109.11%88-20.72%9513.10%

Top Mutual Funds Shareholders

HolderShares% HoldingChange
Tweedy, Browne International Value Fund1.01M0.48%-
Fort Washington Focused Equity Composite477.04K0.23%-6.01K
DWS Invest Latin American Eqs FC422.88K0.20%-
Invesco International Div Achiev ETF411.83K0.20%-
Robeco QI Emerging Cnsrv Eqs I €394.75K0.19%-
Delaware Emerging Markets Instl300.00K0.14%-
Macquarie Emerging Markets Instl300.00K0.14%-
Macquarie Emerging Markets Equity300.00K0.14%-
Touchstone Focused Y277.27K0.13%-
Schafer Cullen Int'l High Dividend ADR231.77K0.11%-14.07K

KOF Ownership FAQ

Who Owns Coca-Cola FEMSA?

Coca-Cola FEMSA shareholders are primarily institutional investors at 10.35%, followed by 0% insiders and 0% retail investors. The average institutional ownership in Coca-Cola FEMSA's industry, Non-Alcoholic Beverages Stocks, is 42.23%, which Coca-Cola FEMSA falls below.

Who owns the most shares of Coca-Cola FEMSA?

Coca-Cola FEMSA’s largest shareholders are Bill & melinda gates foundation trust (6.21M shares, 2.96%), Tweedy, browne (1.39M shares, 0.66%), and Goldman sachs group (1.19M shares, 0.57%). Together, they hold 4.19% of Coca-Cola FEMSA’s total shares outstanding.

Does Blackrock own Coca-Cola FEMSA?

BlackRock is not among the top 10 institutional shareholders of Coca-Cola FEMSA.

Who is Coca-Cola FEMSA’s biggest shareholder by percentage of total assets invested?

Tweedy, browne is Coca-Cola FEMSA’s biggest shareholder by percentage of total assets invested, with 5.49% of its assets in 1.39M Coca-Cola FEMSA shares, valued at 119.29M$.

Who is the top mutual fund holder of Coca-Cola FEMSA shares?

Tweedy, Browne International Value Fund is the top mutual fund holder of Coca-Cola FEMSA shares, with 0.48% of its total shares outstanding invested in 1.01M Coca-Cola FEMSA shares.

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