Jayud Global Logistics (JYD) Revenue & Revenue Breakdown


Jayud Global Logistics Revenue Highlights

Latest Revenue (Y)


Latest Revenue (Q)


Jayud Global Logistics Revenue by Period

Jayud Global Logistics Revenue by Year


Jayud Global Logistics generated $497.87M in revenue during NA 2023, up -23.64% compared to the previous quarter, and up 0.00% compared to the same period a year ago.

Jayud Global Logistics Revenue by Quarter


Jayud Global Logistics generated $45.37M in revenue during Q4 2023, up 85.54% compared to the previous quarter, and up 0.00% compared to the same period a year ago.

JYD Revenue FAQ

What is Jayud Global Logistics’s yearly revenue?

Jayud Global Logistics's yearly revenue for 2023 was $497.87M, representing a decrease of -23.64% compared to 2022. The company's yearly revenue for 2022 was $651.99M, representing an increase of 19.50% compared to 2021. JYD's yearly revenue for 2021 was $545.59M, representing an increase of 87.92% compared to 2020.

What is Jayud Global Logistics’s quarterly revenue?

Jayud Global Logistics's quarterly revenue for Q4 2023 was $45.37M, a 85.54% increase from the previous quarter (Q2 2023). The company's quarterly revenue for Q2 2023 was $24.45M, a -13.72% decrease from the previous quarter (Q4 2022). JYD's quarterly revenue for Q4 2022 was $28.34M, a 0% increase from the previous quarter.

What is Jayud Global Logistics’s revenue growth rate?

Jayud Global Logistics's revenue growth rate for the last 3 years (2021-2023) was -8.75%