HeartCore Enterprises (HTCR) Revenue & Revenue Breakdown


HeartCore Enterprises Revenue Highlights

Latest Revenue (Y)


Latest Revenue (Q)


Main Segment (Y)

Software as a Service (SaaS)

HeartCore Enterprises Revenue by Period

HeartCore Enterprises Revenue by Year


HeartCore Enterprises generated $21.85M in revenue during NA 2023, up 147.73% compared to the previous quarter, and up 0.00% compared to the same period a year ago.

HeartCore Enterprises Revenue by Quarter


HeartCore Enterprises generated $5.05M in revenue during Q1 2024, up 51.67% compared to the previous quarter, and up 252.39% compared to the same period a year ago.

HeartCore Enterprises Revenue Breakdown

HeartCore Enterprises Revenue Breakdown by Product

Annual Revenue by Product

Product/ServiceDec 23Dec 22Dec 21
Process Mining$399.30K$499.72K$737.50K
Robotic Process Automation$325.99K$394.83K$600.32K
Software as a Service (SaaS)$635.93K--
Task Mining$376.68K$337.95K$353.79K
On Premise Software-$1.86M-
Maintenance And Support Service-$2.96M-
Consulting Service-$1.45M-
Customer Experience Management Platform-$5.95M$8.83M
Software Development And Other Miscellaneous Services-$2.05M-
Maintenance and Support Service--$3.62M
On-Premise Software--$3.61M
Software Development and Other Miscellaneous Services--$2.98M
Software as a Service ("SaaS")--$617.03K

HeartCore Enterprises's latest annual revenue breakdown by segment (product or service), as of Dec 23: Software as a Service (SaaS) (33.78%), Process Mining (21.21%), Task Mining (20.01%), Robotic Process Automation (17.31%), and Others (7.69%).

Quarterly Revenue by Product

Product/ServiceSep 24Jun 24Mar 24Dec 23Sep 23Jun 23Dec 22Sep 22Jun 22Mar 22
Task Mining$83.67K$107.36K$45.86K$98.96K$74.96K$95.68K$85.72K$66.80K$98.56K$86.88K
Software Development and Other Miscellaneous Services$428.97K$516.56K$447.46K$340.74K$674.88K-----
Robotic Process Automation$48.17K$102.37K$56.19K$54.47K$58.05K$127.28K$77.72K$69.69K$149.03K$98.39K
Process Mining$13.72K$101.31K$73.16K$8.93K$99.62K$188.56K$46.36K$68.56K$118.32K$266.49K
Maintenance and Support Services$557.43K$549.28K--------
On-Premise Software$681.07K$575.42K$257.12K$716.53K------
Software as a Service ("SaaS")$55.09K$122.35K$103.25K-------
Consulting Services-$150.81K$575.48K$612.03K$637.44K-----
Software as a Service (SaaS)-$152.25K$139.70K-------
Maintenance And Support Services--$627.76K$650.60K$874.73K-----
On Premise Software----$396.65K$704.27K$85.32K$801.60K--
Software Development And Other Miscellaneous Services----$474.86K$406.45K$528.56K$502.41K--
Customer Experience Management Platform-----$1.73M$1.20M$1.17M$1.83M$1.76M
Consulting Service------$526.26K$473.75K$448.36K-
Maintenance And Support Service------$711.19K$845.34K--
Maintenance and Support Service-------$678.52K$727.28K-
Software as a Service SaaS---------$126.65K

HeartCore Enterprises's latest quarterly revenue breakdown by segment (product or service), as of Sep 24: On-Premise Software (35.92%), Maintenance and Support Services (29.40%), Software Development and Other Miscellaneous Services (22.62%), Task Mining (4.41%), Software as a Service ("SaaS") (2.91%), Robotic Process Automation (2.54%), Others (1.48%), and Process Mining (0.72%).

HeartCore Enterprises Peer Comparison by Revenue

TickerCompanyLast Year RevenueLast Quarter Revenue
HTCRHeartCore Enterprises$21.85M$5.05M
ILAGIntelligent Living Application Group$6.44M$4.51M
WLDSWearable Devices$82.00K$70.00K

HTCR Revenue FAQ

What is HeartCore Enterprises’s yearly revenue?

HeartCore Enterprises's yearly revenue for 2023 was $21.85M, representing an increase of 147.73% compared to 2022. The company's yearly revenue for 2022 was $8.82M, representing a decrease of -18.52% compared to 2021. HTCR's yearly revenue for 2021 was $10.82M, representing an increase of 19.90% compared to 2020.

What is HeartCore Enterprises’s quarterly revenue?

HeartCore Enterprises's quarterly revenue for Q1 2024 was $5.05M, a 51.67% increase from the previous quarter (Q4 2023), and a -42.22% decrease year-over-year (Q1 2023). The company's quarterly revenue for Q4 2023 was $3.33M, a -29.04% decrease from the previous quarter (Q3 2023), and a 66.41% increase year-over-year (Q4 2022). HTCR's quarterly revenue for Q3 2023 was $4.69M, a -7.98% decrease from the previous quarter (Q2 2023), and a 150.41% increase year-over-year (Q3 2022).

What is HeartCore Enterprises’s revenue growth rate?

HeartCore Enterprises's revenue growth rate for the last 3 years (2021-2023) was 101.86%, and for the last 5 years (2019-2023) was 203.04%.

What are HeartCore Enterprises’s revenue streams?

HeartCore Enterprises's revenue streams in c 23 are Process Mining, Robotic Process Automation, Software as a Service (SaaS), Task Mining, and Others. Process Mining generated $399.3K in revenue, accounting 21.21% of the company's total revenue, down -20.10% year-over-year. Robotic Process Automation generated $325.99K in revenue, accounting 17.31% of the company's total revenue, down -17.44% year-over-year. Software as a Service (SaaS) generated $635.93K in revenue, accounting 33.78% of the company's total revenue Task Mining generated $376.68K in revenue, accounting 20.01% of the company's total revenue, up 11.46% year-over-year. Others generated $144.83K in revenue, accounting 7.69% of the company's total revenue, down -20.82% year-over-year.

What is HeartCore Enterprises’s main source of revenue?

For the fiscal year ending Dec 23, the largest source of revenue of HeartCore Enterprises was Software as a Service (SaaS). This segment made a revenue of $635.93K, representing 33.78% of the company's total revenue.