Diana Shipping Ownership | Who Owns Diana Shipping?


Diana Shipping Ownership Summary

Diana Shipping is owned by 9.76% institutional investors, 38.31% insiders, and 51.93% retail investors. Hosking partners llp is the largest institutional shareholder, holding 3.68% of DSX shares. Appleseed Investor is the top mutual fund, with 1.01% of its assets in Diana Shipping shares.

DSX Ownership Benchmark

TypeName% Inst% Insiders% Retail
StockDiana Shipping9.76%38.31%51.93%
SectorIndustrials Stocks 64.11%10.54%25.36%
IndustryMarine Shipping Stocks33.13%20.41%46.46%

Institutional Shareholders

Top Institutional Shareholders by Total Shares

HolderShares% HoldingValue
Hosking partners llp4.06M3.68%$11.60M
Pekin hardy strauss3.48M2.92%$6.82M
Arrowstreet capital, limited partnership1.81M1.64%$5.19M
Morgan stanley1.08M0.98%$3.09M
Two sigma advisers, lp411.58K0.37%$1.18M
Marshall wace, llp403.91K0.37%$1.16M
Two sigma investments, lp387.09K0.35%$1.11M
Mackenzie financial318.41K0.29%$910.65K

Top Institutional Shareholders by % of Total Assets

HolderShares% AssetsValue
Pekin hardy strauss3.48M0.86%$6.82M
Hosking partners llp4.06M0.43%$11.60M
Southport management26.12K0.33%$74.69K
Colonial river wealth management26.03K0.04%$74.45K
Mbe wealth management20.22K0.02%$39.64K
Mraz, amerine & associates33.45K0.01%$65.57K
Glenorchy capital11.20K0.01%$32.03K
Scott & selber10.45K0.01%$30.00K
Vident advisory101.50K0.01%$290.29K

Top Buyers

HolderShares% AssetsChange
Pekin hardy strauss3.48M0.86%2.22M
Two sigma investments, lp387.09K0.00%339.32K
Marshall wace, llp403.91K0.00%268.34K
Two sigma advisers, lp411.58K0.00%250.50K

Top Sellers

HolderShares% AssetsChange
Millennium management246.35K0.00%-808.53K
Lesa sroufe---662.66K
Hosking partners llp4.06M0.43%-646.41K
Sg americas securities---246.41K
Winton group34.66K0.01%-236.26K

New Positions

HolderShares% AssetsChangeValue
B. riley wealth advisors90.00K0.01%90.00K$257.40K
Mraz, amerine & associates33.45K0.01%33.45K$65.57K
Axxcess wealth management26.03K0.00%26.03K$74.45K
Mercer global advisors inc /adv13.27K0.00%13.27K$37.95K

Sold Out

Mcclarren financial advisors-10.00
Gradient investments-261.00
Redwood wealth management group-428.00
Bnp paribas arbitrage, snc-2.08K
Nverses capital-3.80K

Institutional Ownership Trends

DateHoldingsChange %SharesChange %OwnershipChange %Increased PositionChange %Decreased PositionChange %
Sep 30, 202464-14.67%11,252,638-26.25%95.11%26-36.59%2210.00%
Jun 30, 202475-2.60%15,257,349-0.23%136.26%4113.89%20-20.00%
Mar 31, 2024771.32%15,292,39718.11%149.31%36-43.75%25212.50%
Dec 31, 20237624.59%12,947,30321.40%1211.03%64106.45%8-27.27%
Sep 30, 202361-7.58%10,665,2790.41%108.99%3163.16%11-54.17%

Top Mutual Funds Shareholders

HolderShares% HoldingChange
Appleseed Investor1.15M1.01%475.00K
Invesco FTSE RAFI US 1500 Small-Mid ETF319.30K0.28%-
Hosking Global No.1 A1286.01K0.25%-293.93K
Mackenzie Emerging Markets F288.01K0.23%-
Lesa Sroufe Fully Invested Value Equity154.03K0.12%932.00
SFL STANLIB Multi Manager Glbl Equity A149.53K0.12%-21.05K
RAM (Lux) Sys Emg Mkts Equities B USD120.48K0.11%102.31K
Sigma Internacional A FI130.00K0.10%-
Lesa Sroufe & Co. Opportunistic Val Eq91.17K0.07%159.00
SPDR® Portfolio Emerging Markets ETF74.28K0.06%-

DSX Ownership FAQ

Who Owns Diana Shipping?

Diana Shipping shareholders are primarily institutional investors at 9.76%, followed by 38.31% insiders and 51.93% retail investors. The average institutional ownership in Diana Shipping's industry, Marine Shipping Stocks, is 33.13%, which Diana Shipping falls below.

Who owns the most shares of Diana Shipping?

Diana Shipping’s largest shareholders are Hosking partners llp (4.06M shares, 3.68%), Pekin hardy strauss (3.48M shares, 2.92%), and Renaissance (3.05M shares, 2.76%). Together, they hold 9.36% of Diana Shipping’s total shares outstanding.

Does Blackrock own Diana Shipping?

BlackRock is not among the top 10 institutional shareholders of Diana Shipping.

Who is Diana Shipping’s biggest shareholder by percentage of total assets invested?

Pekin hardy strauss is Diana Shipping’s biggest shareholder by percentage of total assets invested, with 0.86% of its assets in 3.48M Diana Shipping shares, valued at 6.82M$.

Who is the top mutual fund holder of Diana Shipping shares?

Appleseed Investor is the top mutual fund holder of Diana Shipping shares, with 1.01% of its total shares outstanding invested in 1.15M Diana Shipping shares.

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