Dynagas LNG Partners LP Ownership | Who Owns Dynagas LNG Partners LP?


Dynagas LNG Partners LP Ownership Summary

Dynagas LNG Partners LP is owned by 8.50% institutional investors, 52.06% insiders, and 39.44% retail investors. Goldman sachs group is the largest institutional shareholder, holding 3.23% of DLNG shares. Cobas Selección C FI is the top mutual fund, with 5.55% of its assets in Dynagas LNG Partners LP shares.

DLNG Ownership Benchmark

TypeName% Inst% Insiders% Retail
StockDynagas LNG Partners LP8.50%52.06%39.44%
SectorEnergy Stocks 58.93%12.79%28.28%
IndustryOil & Gas Midstream Stocks 52.69%18.10%29.21%

Institutional Shareholders

Top Institutional Shareholders by Total Shares

HolderShares% HoldingValue
Goldman sachs group1.19M3.23%$4.79M
Morgan stanley496.56K1.35%$2.00M
Vanguard capital wealth advisors24.35K0.07%$98.15K
Geneos wealth management21.52K0.06%$117.06K
Tucker asset management19.85K0.05%$80.00K
Apollon wealth management17.78K0.05%$96.72K
Ubs group16.61K0.05%$66.95K
Stifel financial14.80K0.04%$59.65K

Top Institutional Shareholders by % of Total Assets

HolderShares% AssetsValue
Vanguard capital wealth advisors24.35K0.07%$98.15K
Tucker asset management19.85K0.02%$80.00K
Geneos wealth management21.52K0.00%$117.06K
Coppell advisory solutions5.25K0.00%$21.14K
Apollon wealth management17.78K0.00%$96.72K
Goldman sachs group1.19M0.00%$4.79M
Principal securities3.25K0.00%$13.10K
Exchange traded concepts2.90K0.00%$15.77K
Morgan stanley496.56K0.00%$2.00M

Top Buyers

HolderShares% AssetsChange
Morgan stanley496.56K0.00%61.42K
Tucker asset management19.85K0.02%17.85K
Stifel financial14.80K0.00%14.80K
Simplex trading12.78K-11.79K

Top Sellers

HolderShares% AssetsChange
Susquehanna group, llp---17.20K
Vanguard capital wealth advisors24.35K0.07%-5.36K
Mather group, llc.---5.00K
Citadel advisors200.00--1.20K
Ubs group16.61K--1.13K

New Positions

HolderShares% AssetsChangeValue
Stifel financial14.80K0.00%14.80K$59.65K
Coppell advisory solutions5.25K0.00%5.25K$21.14K
Newedge advisors2.10K0.00%2.10K$8.48K

Sold Out

Advisor group-325.00
Royal bank of canada-795.00
Mather group, llc.-5.00K
Susquehanna group, llp-17.20K

Institutional Ownership Trends

DateHoldingsChange %SharesChange %OwnershipChange %Increased PositionChange %Decreased PositionChange %
Sep 30, 202418-25.00%3,127,8335.09%812.99%5-58.33%7133.33%
Jun 30, 2024244.35%2,976,3554.16%813.42%12140.00%3-
Mar 31, 20242327.78%2,857,3783.24%713.73%525.00%350.00%
Dec 31, 202318-21.74%2,767,7892.15%713.88%433.33%2-80.00%
Sep 30, 202323-4.17%2,709,402-2.87%712.81%3-62.50%1066.67%

Top Mutual Funds Shareholders

HolderShares% HoldingChange
Cobas Selección C FI2.04M5.55%2.04M
Cobas Internacional C FI1.91M5.18%1.91M
Fidelity Series Value Discovery1.28M3.48%-
Az Fd1 Az Equity Best Value A Acc571.81K1.55%77.74K
Cobas Global PP269.71K0.73%-8.62K
Cobas Selection P Acc EUR266.19K0.72%266.19K
Cinvest Multigestión Garp FI180.90K0.49%-
Fintech Income SICAV120.00K0.33%-
Cobas International P Acc EUR119.28K0.32%119.28K
Cinvest Nogal Capital FI24.50K0.07%-

DLNG Ownership FAQ

Who Owns Dynagas LNG Partners LP?

Dynagas LNG Partners LP shareholders are primarily institutional investors at 8.50%, followed by 52.06% insiders and 39.44% retail investors. The average institutional ownership in Dynagas LNG Partners LP's industry, Oil & Gas Midstream Stocks , is 52.69%, which Dynagas LNG Partners LP falls below.

Who owns the most shares of Dynagas LNG Partners LP?

Dynagas LNG Partners LP’s largest shareholders are Goldman sachs group (1.19M shares, 3.23%), Fmr (1.02M shares, 2.76%), and Morgan stanley (496.56K shares, 1.35%). Together, they hold 7.34% of Dynagas LNG Partners LP’s total shares outstanding.

Does Blackrock own Dynagas LNG Partners LP?

BlackRock is not among the top 10 institutional shareholders of Dynagas LNG Partners LP.

Who is Dynagas LNG Partners LP’s biggest shareholder by percentage of total assets invested?

Vanguard capital wealth advisors is Dynagas LNG Partners LP’s biggest shareholder by percentage of total assets invested, with 0.07% of its assets in 24.35K Dynagas LNG Partners LP shares, valued at 98.15K$.

Who is the top mutual fund holder of Dynagas LNG Partners LP shares?

Cobas Selección C FI is the top mutual fund holder of Dynagas LNG Partners LP shares, with 5.55% of its total shares outstanding invested in 2.04M Dynagas LNG Partners LP shares.

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