Banco Santander (Brasil) Ownership | Who Owns Banco Santander (Brasil)?


Banco Santander (Brasil) Ownership Summary

Banco Santander (Brasil) is owned by 7.21% institutional investors, 13.72% insiders, and 79.07% retail investors. Banco santander is the largest institutional shareholder, holding 6.99% of BSBR shares. Vanguard Emerging Mkts Stock Idx Inv is the top mutual fund, with 0.04% of its assets in Banco Santander (Brasil) shares.

BSBR Ownership Benchmark

TypeName% Inst% Insiders% Retail
StockBanco Santander (Brasil)7.21%13.72%79.07%
SectorFinancial Services Stocks 86.48%14.02%-0.50%
IndustryRegional Banks Stocks51.80%12.03%36.18%

Institutional Shareholders

Top Institutional Shareholders by Total Shares

HolderShares% HoldingValue
Banco santander520.22M6.99%$2.57B
Macquarie group3.85M0.05%$19.04M
Vanguard group3.11M0.04%$15.34M
Arrowstreet capital, limited partnership1.90M0.03%$9.37M
Marshall wace, llp1.10M0.01%$5.43M
Wellington management group llp762.58K0.01%$3.77M
Morgan stanley664.02K0.01%$3.28M
Two sigma investments, lp528.96K0.01%$2.61M
Millennium management497.60K0.01%$2.46M

Top Institutional Shareholders by % of Total Assets

HolderShares% AssetsValue
Banco santander520.22M31.85%$2.57B
Vpr management157.93K0.29%$780.17K
Longfellow investment management120.53K0.15%$595.41K
Spx gestao de recursos ltda101.60K0.07%$501.88K
Macquarie group3.85M0.02%$19.04M
Banco btg pactual14.10K0.01%$71.91K
Arrowstreet capital, limited partnership1.90M0.01%$9.37M
Marshall wace, llp1.10M0.01%$5.43M
Wetherby asset management30.66K0.01%$151.45K
Two sigma investments, lp528.96K0.01%$2.61M

Top Buyers

HolderShares% AssetsChange
Arrowstreet capital, limited partnership1.90M0.01%462.20K
Two sigma investments, lp528.96K0.01%410.28K
Marshall wace, llp1.10M0.01%335.92K
Two sigma advisers, lp253.60K0.00%253.60K
Millennium management497.60K0.00%181.73K

Top Sellers

HolderShares% AssetsChange
Goldman sachs group334.03K0.00%-789.43K
Morgan stanley664.02K0.00%-620.67K
Spx gestao de recursos ltda101.60K0.07%-414.45K

New Positions

HolderShares% AssetsChangeValue
Two sigma advisers, lp253.60K0.00%253.60K$1.25M
Connor, clark & lunn investment management11.13K0.00%11.13K$55.00K
Old mission capital11.02K0.00%11.02K$54.42K
Advisors preferred5.19K0.00%5.19K$20.70K

Sold Out

Umb bank, n.a.-70.00
Toronto dominion bank-105.00
Laurel wealth advisors-107.00
Ariadne wealth management, lp-968.00
Entrypoint capital-1.20K

Institutional Ownership Trends

DateHoldingsChange %SharesChange %OwnershipChange %Increased PositionChange %Decreased PositionChange %
Sep 30, 202479-10.23%537,779,1030.11%713.90%31-11.43%34-19.05%
Jun 30, 202487-4.40%537,200,069-0.28%713.78%34-10.53%4244.83%
Mar 31, 202491-5.21%538,686,075-0.27%713.81%38-19.15%2920.83%
Dec 31, 2023964.35%540,130,2440.06%713.83%4738.24%24-14.29%
Sep 30, 202392-1.08%539,830,018-0.28%73.54%34-27.66%2847.37%

Top Mutual Funds Shareholders

HolderShares% HoldingChange
Vanguard Emerging Mkts Stock Idx Inv3.10M0.04%-
Macquarie Emerging Markets Equity2.75M0.04%-
Macquarie Emerging Markets Instl2.75M0.04%-
Delaware Emerging Markets Instl2.75M0.04%-
Freedom 100 Emerging Markets ETF1.10M0.01%-
Avantis Emerging Markets Equity ETF503.03K0.01%-
Macquarie VIP Emerging Markets Standard153.37K0.00%-
Arrowstreet Intl Eq ACWI ex US CIT M153.95K0.00%-
Macquarie Emerging Markets A USD Acc137.25K0.00%-
Praxis International Index I119.09K0.00%-

BSBR Ownership FAQ

Who Owns Banco Santander (Brasil)?

Banco Santander (Brasil) shareholders are primarily institutional investors at 7.21%, followed by 13.72% insiders and 79.07% retail investors. The average institutional ownership in Banco Santander (Brasil)'s industry, Regional Banks Stocks, is 51.80%, which Banco Santander (Brasil) falls below.

Who owns the most shares of Banco Santander (Brasil)?

Banco Santander (Brasil)’s largest shareholders are Banco santander (520.22M shares, 6.99%), Macquarie group (3.85M shares, 0.05%), and Vanguard group (3.11M shares, 0.04%). Together, they hold 7.08% of Banco Santander (Brasil)’s total shares outstanding.

Does Blackrock own Banco Santander (Brasil)?

Yes, BlackRock owns 0.02% of Banco Santander (Brasil), totaling 1.17M shares as of Jun 2024. This represents 0.00% of BlackRock's total assets, with a market value of 5.77M$. In the last quarter, BlackRock decreased its holdings by -581K shares, a -33.22% change.

Who is Banco Santander (Brasil)’s biggest shareholder by percentage of total assets invested?

Banco santander is Banco Santander (Brasil)’s biggest shareholder by percentage of total assets invested, with 31.85% of its assets in 520.22M Banco Santander (Brasil) shares, valued at 2.57B$.

Who is the top mutual fund holder of Banco Santander (Brasil) shares?

Vanguard Emerging Mkts Stock Idx Inv is the top mutual fund holder of Banco Santander (Brasil) shares, with 0.04% of its total shares outstanding invested in 3.1M Banco Santander (Brasil) shares.

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