Burning Rock Biotech Ownership | Who Owns Burning Rock Biotech?


Burning Rock Biotech Ownership Summary

Burning Rock Biotech is owned by 0.21% institutional investors, 0.04% insiders, and 99.75% retail investors. Sc china is the largest institutional shareholder, holding 0.21% of BNR shares. MFS Emerging Markets Equity is the top mutual fund, with 3.22% of its assets in Burning Rock Biotech shares.

BNR Ownership Benchmark

TypeName% Inst% Insiders% Retail
StockBurning Rock Biotech0.21%0.04%99.75%
SectorHealthcare Stocks 88.01%8.90%3.09%
IndustryDiagnostics & Research Stocks53.64%8.31%38.05%

Institutional Shareholders

Top Institutional Shareholders by Total Shares

HolderShares% HoldingValue
Sc china21.21K0.21%$135.33K
Massachusetts financial services co /ma/---
Susquehanna group, llp---
Bank of america corp /de/---
Rhumbline advisers---
Millennium management---
Nikko asset management americas---

Top Institutional Shareholders by % of Total Assets

HolderShares% AssetsValue
Sc china21.21K0.01%$135.33K
Massachusetts financial services co /ma/---
Susquehanna group, llp---
Bank of america corp /de/---
Rhumbline advisers---
Millennium management---
Nikko asset management americas---

Top Buyers

HolderShares% AssetsChange
Ubs group---83.00
Shen neil nanpeng---885.00
Jpmorgan chase---1.20K
Rhumbline advisers---5.80K

Top Sellers

HolderShares% AssetsChange
Kynam capital management, lp---9.64M
Massachusetts financial services co /ma/---4.03M
Millennium management---1.74M
Nikko asset management americas---591.43K

Sold Out

Ubs group-83.00
Shen neil nanpeng-885.00
Jpmorgan chase-1.20K
Rhumbline advisers-5.80K

Institutional Ownership Trends

DateHoldingsChange %SharesChange %OwnershipChange %Increased PositionChange %Decreased PositionChange %
Sep 30, 20241-50.00%21,212-4.01%-445.20%----100.00%
Jun 30, 20242-90.00%22,097-99.89%-0.05%--100.00%1-87.50%
Mar 31, 202420-20,649,6842.57%205.21%525.00%8-11.11%
Dec 31, 202320-25.93%20,132,053-2.99%194.80%4-20.00%9-30.77%
Sep 30, 202327-12.90%20,753,481-2.93%204.65%5-58.33%1318.18%

Top Mutual Funds Shareholders

HolderShares% HoldingChange
MFS Emerging Markets Equity330.08K3.22%-9.71K
MFS Emerging Markets Equity A314.99K3.07%-3.85K
Fidelity China Special Ord280.90K2.74%-
Nikko Gbl All Biological Genome Eq MF59.14K0.58%-7.56K
MFS International New Discovery I28.54K0.28%-
MFS International Small-Mid Cap Equity28.54K0.28%-
MFS Emerging Markets Equity Fund I CL 113.14K0.13%-
MFS Meridian Emerging Mkts Eq I1 USD3.62K0.04%-53.00
Fidelity Nasdaq Composite Index2.56K0.03%-
DFA Emerging Markets Social Core Port2.08K0.02%-

BNR Ownership FAQ

Who Owns Burning Rock Biotech?

Burning Rock Biotech shareholders are primarily institutional investors at 0.21%, followed by 0.04% insiders and 99.75% retail investors. The average institutional ownership in Burning Rock Biotech's industry, Diagnostics & Research Stocks, is 53.64%, which Burning Rock Biotech falls below.

Who owns the most shares of Burning Rock Biotech?

Burning Rock Biotech’s largest shareholders are Sc china (21.21K shares, 0.21%), Renaissance (0 shares, 0%), and Massachusetts financial services co /ma/ (0 shares, 0%). Together, they hold 0.21% of Burning Rock Biotech’s total shares outstanding.

Does Blackrock own Burning Rock Biotech?

Yes, BlackRock owns 0% of Burning Rock Biotech, totaling 0 shares as of Jun 2024. This represents 0% of BlackRock's total assets, with a market value of 0$. In the last quarter, BlackRock decreased its holdings by -65 shares, a -100.00% change.

Who is Burning Rock Biotech’s biggest shareholder by percentage of total assets invested?

Sc china is Burning Rock Biotech’s biggest shareholder by percentage of total assets invested, with 0.01% of its assets in 21.21K Burning Rock Biotech shares, valued at 135.33K$.

Who is the top mutual fund holder of Burning Rock Biotech shares?

MFS Emerging Markets Equity is the top mutual fund holder of Burning Rock Biotech shares, with 3.22% of its total shares outstanding invested in 330.08K Burning Rock Biotech shares.

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