Blue Bird (BLBD) Stock Forecast, Price Target & Predictions

BLBD Stock Forecast

Blue Bird (BLBD) stock forecast, based on 5 Wall Street analysts, predicts a 12-month average price target of $57.00, with a high of $66.00 and a low of $48.00. This represents a 62.02% increase from the last price of $35.18.

$25$34$43$52$61$70High: $66Avg: $57Low: $48Last Closed Price: $35.18

BLBD Stock Rating

Blue Bird stock's rating consensus is Buy, based on 5 Wall Street analysts. The breakdown includes 0 Strong Buy (0.00%), 5 Buy (100.00%), 0 Hold (0.00%), 0 Sell (0.00%), and 0 Strong Sell (0.00%).

Total 5 0 5 Strong Sell Sell Hold Buy Strong Buy

BLBD Price Target Upside V Benchmarks

StockBlue Bird62.02%
SectorConsumer Cyclical Stocks 5.47%
IdeaElectric Vehicle Stocks List0.49%
IdeaEV Car Stocks List-7.27%

Price Target Trends

# Anlaysts--7
Avg Price Target--$58.00
Last Closing Price$35.18$35.18$35.18
Ratings Trends

DateStrong BuyBuyHoldSellStrong SellTotal
Feb, 25241--7
Jan, 25241--7
Dec, 24241--7
Nov, 24241--7
Oct, 24361--10
Analyst Price Target Forecasts

DateAnalystCompanyPrice TargetPrice when PublishedPrice Target/Price when PublishedPrice Target/Last Closing Price
Nov 11, 2024Chris PierceNeedham$66.00$42.9153.81%87.61%
Oct 03, 2024Craig IrwinRoth Capital$48.00$45.994.37%36.44%
Aug 08, 2024Sherif El-SabbahyBank of America Securities$66.00$48.5336.00%87.61%
May 24, 2024Eric StineCraig-Hallum$65.00$55.0118.16%84.76%
May 22, 2024Adam SeidenBarclays$43.00$54.45-21.03%22.23%
May 20, 2024Michael ShliskyD.A. Davidson$66.00$53.0824.34%87.61%
May 09, 2024Chris PierceNeedham$52.00$48.277.73%47.81%
May 13, 2022Craig IrwinRoth Capital$29.00$13.26118.70%-17.57%
Analyst Rating Forecasts

DateCompanyPrevious RatingNew RatingRating Change
Oct 09, 2024BTIGBuyinitialise
Oct 03, 2024NeedhamBuyBuyhold
Sep 10, 2024NeedhamBuyBuyhold
Aug 09, 2024BarclaysOverweightOverweighthold
May 24, 2024Craig-HallumBuyBuyhold
May 10, 2024BarclaysOverweightOverweighthold
May 09, 2024NeedhamBuyBuyhold
Apr 23, 2024Roth CapitalBuyBuyhold
Aug 18, 2023Bank of America SecuritiesBuyinitialise
May 13, 2022Roth CapitalBuyBuyhold

Financial Forecast

EPS Forecast

$-2$-1$0$1$2$3$4$5Sep 20Sep 21Sep 22Sep 23Sep 24Sep 25Sep 26Sep 27
Sep 20Sep 21Sep 22Sep 23Sep 24Sep 25Sep 26Sep 27
Avg Forecast$0.70$0.43$0.36$0.88$3.33$3.87$4.43$4.67
High Forecast$0.71$0.44$0.67$0.90$3.51$4.48$4.82$4.77
Low Forecast$0.68$0.42$0.04$0.85$3.21$3.44$4.04$4.54
Surprise %-52.86%-106.98%-472.22%-15.91%-1.80%---

Revenue Forecast

$500M$800M$1B$1B$2B$2BSep 20Sep 21Sep 22Sep 23Sep 24Sep 25Sep 26Sep 27
Sep 20Sep 21Sep 22Sep 23Sep 24Sep 25Sep 26Sep 27
Avg Forecast$853.35M$734.30M$759.72M$1.12B$1.35B$1.45B$1.59B$1.80B
High Forecast$865.24M$744.53M$911.67M$1.14B$1.37B$1.47B$1.63B$1.83B
Low Forecast$843.50M$725.82M$607.78M$1.09B$1.32B$1.42B$1.53B$1.76B
Surprise %3.03%-6.85%5.39%1.40%-0.21%---

Net Income Forecast

$-50M$0$50M$100M$150M$200MSep 20Sep 21Sep 22Sep 23Sep 24Sep 25Sep 26Sep 27
Sep 20Sep 21Sep 22Sep 23Sep 24Sep 25Sep 26Sep 27
Avg Forecast$22.42M$-10.67M$-25.81M$61.26M$112.06M$125.94M$146.22M$155.29M
High Forecast$22.83M$-6.07M$-17.93M$79.73M$116.99M$149.30M$160.90M$159.08M
Low Forecast$22.08M$-15.27M$-33.68M$42.78M$107.13M$114.72M$134.79M$151.49M
Surprise %-59.98%-92.62%61.19%-61.13%-5.81%---

BLBD Forecast FAQ

Is Blue Bird stock a buy?

Blue Bird stock has a consensus rating of Buy, based on 5 Wall Street analysts. The rating breakdown includes 0 Strong Buy, 5 Buy, 0 Hold, 0 Sell, and 0 Strong Sell, reflecting a consensus that Blue Bird is a favorable investment for most analysts.

What is Blue Bird's price target?

Blue Bird's price target, set by 5 Wall Street analysts, averages $57 over the next 12 months. The price target range spans from $48 at the low end to $66 at the high end, suggesting a potential 62.02% change from the previous closing price of $35.18.

How does Blue Bird stock forecast compare to its benchmarks?

Blue Bird's stock forecast shows a 62.02% upside, outperforming the average forecast for the consumer cyclical stocks sector (5.47%), leading the electric vehicle stocks list (0.49%) and ev car stocks list (-7.27%) investment ideas.

What is the breakdown of analyst ratings for Blue Bird over the past three months?

  • February 2025: 28.57% Strong Buy, 57.14% Buy, 14.29% Hold, 0% Sell, 0% Strong Sell.
  • January 2025: 28.57% Strong Buy, 57.14% Buy, 14.29% Hold, 0% Sell, 0% Strong Sell.
  • December 2024: 28.57% Strong Buy, 57.14% Buy, 14.29% Hold, 0% Sell, 0% Strong Sell.

What is Blue Bird’s EPS forecast?

Blue Bird's average annual EPS forecast for its fiscal year ending in September 2025 is $3.87, marking a 18.35% increase from the reported $3.27 in 2024. Estimates for the following years are $4.43 in 2026, and $4.67 in 2027.

What is Blue Bird’s revenue forecast?

Blue Bird's average annual revenue forecast for its fiscal year ending in September 2025 is $1.45B, reflecting a 7.69% increase from the reported $1.35B in 2024. The forecast for 2026 is $1.59B, and $1.8B for 2027.

What is Blue Bird’s net income forecast?

Blue Bird's net income forecast for the fiscal year ending in September 2025 stands at $125.94M, representing an 19.32% increase from the reported $105.55M in 2024. Projections indicate $146.22M in 2026, and $155.29M in 2027.